Optomechanische Fertigung und Dye Laser Herstellung / Impressum LIOP-TEC GmbH was founded in 2012 by Dr. Jürgen Lindener-Roenneke and PD Dr. Michael Gutmann.
Jürgen has been working in the scientific laser market for more than 20 years. Michael was formerly head of a research group in physical chemistry focusing on applying lasers to solving problems in molecular science.
Our facilities are located in Radevormwald, Germany, in the vicinity of Cologne and Düsseldorf.
We wish to be the partner of choice for scientists applying lasers in their research and for the laser industry by always delivering innovative state of the art solutions and products of superior performance. We want to be a dependable and reliable partner whose products and knowledge in the field are well acknowledged by our customers and partners.
Our Value
- Listen and be responsive
- Do not compromise on quality
- Be innovative and creative
- Take responsibility
- Deliver
- Show respect and be fair
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Visit us @ the DPG in Hannover: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) Hannover, 29 February - 4 March 2016 DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Section AMOP (SAMOP) with the divisions and working group: Atomic Physics Short Time-scale Physics Mass Spectrometry Molecular Physics Plasma Physics Quantum Optics and Photonics Physics Education Working Group young DPG The conference takes place at the: Leibniz Universität Hannover Welfengarten 1 30167 Hannover Visit us at our booth #29 from tuesday till thursday!