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CT CoreTechnologie Group

Klinger 5, Mömbris, Germany
Computer Company



CoreTechnologie is the leading global provider of CAD Converter, CAD Viewer and 3D Interoperability Software. Our mission is to streamline your CAx process CoreTechnologie is an international software developer with locations in Germany, France,USA, Italy, Japan, India and Great Britain. In the CAD interoperability universe, CoreTechnologie is the leading global producer of the most comprehensive 3D conversion and collaboration software tools available today. Our goal is future-oriented development and customer centric technology to optimize interoperability, thus helping organizations to streamline their Product Life Cycle management. We work with highly professional automated processes and we are always one step ahead from the latest technology. The top priority for us is that our software has the possibility to adapt to all customer requirements.
Our success is based on CoreTechnologie’s unique approach to reading CAD data without the API of the CAD application of both boundary and parametric dataset with PMI, attributes and composite to name a few. In addition, with functions to incorporate the engineering chore to include but not limited to compare, simplification, and collision detection.
The customer portfolio by CoreTechnologie comprises more than 400ʼs customer from several sectors like automotive-, aerospace-, mechanical engineering- and consumer goods industry.


CoreTechnologie Fully Supports STEP AP242 for Model Based Enterprise SOUTHFIELD, Mich., August 3, 2017 – CoreTechnologie (CT), known for its 3D_Evolution® software, wholly supports the reading and writing of STEP AP242 that provides 3D digital information for downstream applications while maintaining PLM process flow through the archival of datasets. CoreTechnologie is in support of forward thinking companies that are embracing the transition to the Model Based Enterprise and are required to comply with federal and international regulations and standards. Previous standards AP203 (aerospace) and AP214 (automotive) have merged to become ISO 10303 AP242. STEP AP242 is a neutral file format that includes the assembly structure(s), composite data, exact geometry, tessellated data, semantic and graphical PMI. Furthermore, this format allows the checking of validation properties including geometry, annotations, assembly, saved views, user defined attributes, color, visibility with validation reports; complying with LOTAR (LOng Term Data Archival and Retrieval) standards. Future projects to improve STEP AP242 could include machining form features, kinematics and mating definitions just to name a few. CT sits on the CAx Implementor Forum and is a board member of PDES, Inc., and was the first software company to develop and implement code to support the LOTAR consortium standards, initially at Airbus and continuing with many other customers in the aerospace and manufacturing sectors. David Selliman, VP of North America, states “Evolving technology increasingly requires capabilities for PLM interoperability to be based on open standards and CT will continue to stay on the forefront of development and implementation in this fast-moving universe.”

CoreTechnologie Germany is participating to the EDM CAE Forum 2017, which is taking place the 19th & 20th July 2017, ICS Stuttgart Germany. The EDM CAE Forum is the central information and interaction platform for the EDM and CAE community of the Daimler AG and its partners. CT Germany is giving a presentation about CAD data for virtual and augmented Reality. The presentation is at 12 o`clock on Thursday the 20th July 2017 at the room C7.2+3. Visit our team at booth number: C8 to present the latest technology about the software 3D_Evolution 4.1.

Unleash the power of automated engineering processes through scripting Learn how to optimize your 3D CAD data exchange with customers, sub-suppliers and engineering partners with a loss-free CAD conversion tool that automatically heals 3D models. The 3D_Evolution conversion engine supports all primary CAD formats, allowing users to process the data without a CAD license. The validation functions allow users to meet required standards for accuracy of the translated model. The scripting language makes all functions available and integration into a PLM application easy. Our next webinar presented by CT USA, will be held on Tuesday, 18th July_2017 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT. Registration here :

CoreTechnologie Germany is participating to the Siemens PLM Connection Deutschland 2017, which is taking place from the 4 to the 5 July 2017, in Lufthansa Training & Conference Center Seeheim Germany. Mr. Tran will present the topic: Lightweight CAD data for industry 4.0 application from 02:50 – 3:30 pm on Wednesday the 5th July 2017. Drop by our booth N° 7, CT Germany team are here to share its knowledge and to present the latest technology about the software 3D_Evolution

CoreTechnologie participe à la 52ème édition du Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace du 19 au 25 Juin 2017 qui aura lieu au Parc des Expositions au Bourget (Paris, France). Le salon du Bourget est l’évènement incontournable qui réunit l’ensemble des acteurs de l’industrie aéronautique mondiale autour des dernières avancées technologiques. L’équipe de CoreTechnologie sera heureuse de vous y accueillir sur son stand N°93, HALL 4 afin d'échanger avec vous de vos projets CAO et pour vous présenter la nouvelle version 4.1 de la solution 3D_Evolution

CoreTechnologie France vous invite à son webinaire du mois de Juin dédié aux rapport d'analyses. Assistez à la présentation et découvrez comment échanger vos données d'analyses avec des rapports personnalisés et des résultats en 3D. Grâce aux nouveaux rapports, il est possible de partager ces résultats d’analyse avec des documents PDF en 3D dynamiques. Et pour que ces rapports reflètent mieux votre identité, ils sont personnalisables... Soyez au rendez vous le Jeudi 08 Juin 2017 de 14h30 à 15h15 Présentateur: Jérôme Renard

CoreTechnologie Japan and Maru International will participate at the Butech event. This takes place from 24 to 27 May 2017 at Busan Exhibition and Convention Center in Busan South Korea. This international trade fair for machinery is divided into many sub-areas, presenting machinery for certain industries. Our CT team will present the latest innovation about interoperability software suite 3D_Evolution. Drop by our booth N° T-18 in Exhibition Center 2 to discover our range of product and to discuss your projects...

Dans le cadre d'un projet avec notre partenaire MICADO, CoreTechnologie France interviendra lors de la conférence "Logiciel pour la fabrication additive" le 16 Juin à 14h45, à l'occasion du salon 3D Print, qui aura lieu à Eurexpo, Lyon."

CT CoreTechnologie USA is participating at the LiveWorx 17, which is taking place from the 22nd to 25th May 2017 in Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, Massachusetts _USA LiveWorx is a global technology conference and marketplace for solutions engineered for a smart, connected world. It is an opportunity to learn more about our sophisticated products, software and technology and to discuss your issues face-to-face

CoreTechnologie USA is participating to the Siemens PLM Connection. This annual event hosted by PLM World is taking place from 8th to 11th May 2017, at the Indiana Convention Center & Lucas Oil Stadium, in Indianapolis USA. The event is bringing together PLM World members, partners, and Siemens PLM Software employees looking to build new connections, expand knowledge, and increase expertise. It’s focus on helping to achieve the greatest return on time spent with Siemens PLM users and company experts in sharing best practices. CT USA team are here to share its knowledge and to present the latest technology about 3D_Evolution

CoreTechnologie USA is participating to the COE 2017, the annual PLM conference and TehniFair, that will be held from 23 to 27 April,2017, in Orlando-Florida_USA. Mr. David A. Selliman Vice President of CoreTechnologie will also participate at the round table discussion for PDES STEP242 as he sit on the board and member chair. This Three day event is an opportunity to interchange knowledge, experiences, and technical information relating to Dassault Systemes family of solutions…

CoreTechnologie will participate to the The Engineering Simulation Show 2017, that will take place April 26th, 2017 in Derby Roundhouse_England This trade show is dedicated to the world of simulation technology, hardware and software. It presents world-leading products and services within the Simulation and Modeling field. The event is bringing together an audience of Simulation, FEA, Design, Stress, CFD and Structural engineers, senior decision makers and users from across the global engineering industry Visit our Booth N° OR13, to discover our suit of products and to discuss your enquiries with our team.
