Phil Wiener Creative Studio
★ philwiener is a multidisciplinary Creative Studio that creates identities, brandings and photography for clients, audiences and for ourselves. Our colors are pink and grey, we use just one typeface, our logo is a ★. That’s all it really takes, it is consistent and effective.
The Creative Studio is based on the principle that every major objective starts with a simple idea. We believe that only essential ideas have impact and appeal to the heart. That’s the main ingredient of our work. We create simple solutions for a complex world.
I specialize in portraiture and compositing of people, fashion, sports and advertising photography. The digital post production is an important part of my creative process – aiming at creating images larger than life.
The passion to create is not just an option for me, but it runs deep in my DNA. That’s why we don’t simply want to grow. We rather thrive on creative challenges that guide us forward.
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Die Website zeigt, wie die Websites von Apple, Amazon, YouTube & Co. vor 10 Jahren aussahen. Da war das Internet bei uns allen schon voll angekommen … Spannend, was sich in der Zeit getan hat – auch insofern eine Zeitreise, als sich bestimmt viele daran erinnern können, sobald sie es sehen. ★
Medienwand / Hausfassade vom Greven Medien Verlag in Köln. ★
Choose two of them. ★
Logo design for Skarabaevs. Therefore we wanted to create a logo that shows both, a clear and neutral look and visual barbed hooks. This was achieved by making the brand name a bit harder to read – first of all by mixing upper and lower case letters and especially by connecting the lower case a with the upper case E to a ligature. Additionally we used a V instead of a U, like it's typically be seen on latin scription tablets. The adjustment of the lower case letters' thickness was a quite important task. The Skarabaevs bug itself was created just as minimalistic as possible, whilst keeping the characteristic shape of the animal at the same time.★
Ariadne Parallax Website … Das Hirn ist übrigens mein eigenes! ★ #empty #magic #parallax #adobemuse #mrt #radiology
Oscar Ramos designed absolute cool playing cards. ★
Our client's products are almost impossible to picture. That’s why we introduced especially developed 3dimensional images (which became industry standard in the meantime). Real life product's thickness is approx. 1.3 mm and made of different materials (such as polyester, polyamide, secret fibre treatments, stainless, etc. …). In an early stage we created over 60 of these illustrations by sketching outlines by hand, vectorizing in Illustrator and finalizing the images in Photoshop. In a later stage of our 3dimensional product model evolution, we started creating them as real 3d in Modo. ★
Brochure design for a common project of Bang & Olufsen and Sunseeker Yachts. The aim was to establish B&O’s newly developed entertainment / bus system for yachts and boats. The brochure is focused on b2b customers, that’s why we wanted achieve a cool yet minimized look. ★
Stylized eye as logo for radiology (medicine) center. Okay indeed, to show the circular logo on the CD-Rs was a creative homerun … ★
Logo for «Carden Capital», a hedge fonds located in CA, USA. ★