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European Theatre House

Universitätsplatz 5-6, Lingen, Germany
Non-profit organization



The European Theatre House supports networking and exchange of theatre activities with focus on amateur, youth and children`s theatre and theatre education The support of people taking part in the European intergration process with respect to the cultural diversity as well as the exchange and cooperation within the common cultural area Europe are assignments of the European Theatre House.
Theatre is understood as a means of overcoming language barriers and actively taking part in culture and society. Theatre adds to the social development and cultural education of the individual. Furthermore it contributes to an active and complex examination of  "ones own" and "foreign" cultural and societal identity in the sense of a European citizenship.
The virtual implementation of the assignments will be shown in scientific research, projects and researching of funding opportunities.
Through support and realization of projects in cooperation with theatre people of every age, the ETH would like to gain strong and continuous partnerships in order to become a plattform for further networking.



NEAR European Theatre House

W+R GmbH

Lingen, Germany