World Calibration Center for Aerosol Physics - WCCAP
The WCCAP offers the quality assurance of physical aerosol measurements for European and international atmospheric observatories. The WCCAP performs professional calibrations for physical and optical in-situ aerosol instruments.
The WCCAP is part of the European Center for Aerosol Calibration (ECAC).
Customers are scientific institutions, authorities, aerosol manufacturing enterprises, as well as other companies.
Partner are the German Federal Environment Agency, the Saxonian State Office for Environment, Agriculture, and Geologie, and the European Research Infrastructures ACTRIS & IAGOS (CARIBIC).
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... here is the newest update of the time schedule of the European Center for Aerosol Calibration
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I would like to announce the next Aerosol Summer School in Hyytiälä May 20-27, 2016