31 Sektionen in 29 Städten, über 9000 Austauschstudenten im Jahr, kulturelle Aktivitäten, eine Vielzahl von ehrenamtlichen Helfern - das ist ESN! 29 Sektionen in 27 Städten, über 6000 Austauschstudenten im Jahr, kulturelle Aktivitäten,eine Vielzahl von ehrenamtlichen Helfern - das ist ESN!
Esn Deutschland e.V.
Vereinsregisternummer: VR 3762
Vertretungsberechtichter Vorstand
Präsident: Lukas Iwan, ESN Hamburg
Vizepräsident: Amoruth Shankar, ESN MESA München
Finanzvorstand: Dimitar Tachkov, ESN Dortmund
Erasmus Student Network Deutschland e.V.
c/o International Office
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
44780 Bochum
E-Mail: board (at)
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facebook.comThe perception gap: how well do you know your country? Take our quiz
How well do you know your country? Make the test and see what your country knows about itself. Revelations, oho´s and aha´s are guaranteed! 😝
Erasmus Student Network
#TGIF: Remember, party is where you are. Stay cool, avoid drunk texts. 💁🏼📱 #ResponsibleIsSexy p.s. If you are interested about this truck you can read about it here:
17 Reassuring Facts Pilots Want All Anxious Flyers To Know
Interesting facts about planes! ✈️
Spree Break
Photos of the Spree Break - Responsible Party (Saturday the 5th Nov) are now online! Feel free to share your experience. 🎈👯 #ResponsibleIsSexy
Germany's 10 best Christmas markets
How many of them will you visit this christmas? 🎅🏻 Insider tipp: Do try met! 🐝
17 incredibly useful Google products and services you didn't know existed
Google is your friend, use it! 🤓💻
21 Perfect German Words We Need In English
and you still think German is not a good language? Think again, mein Freund. 🤔🍻
Erasmus Student Network Germany
Cover Photos
HAPPY VOLUNTEERS DAY! Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another. ~Erma Bombeck #ESNvolunteers
Where will be your next adventure? 🛩
Classic paintings make much more sense with subtitles
Trust us, you will enjoy classic art after seeing this! 👓🖼 #feelingartsy