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Laraw Kali Pamuok Panuntukan

Lange Reihe 54, Leipzig, Germany
Martial Arts School



Philippinische Kampkunst  den waffenlosen Elementen Panuntukan (Dirty Boxing), Pamuok (Hebel und Take downs) Dumog(Bodenkampf) Sowie Messer und Stock
"Die Reflektion unserer wahren Selbst, welche nur durch unsere Taten erscheint". (Laraw).

Das geheime Wissen (KAalaman LIhim) über die Waffe wurde von Generationen bis heute bewahrt und wird auch von uns ausgeübt. Wir trainieren Baston(Einzelstock), Daga(Messer, Karambit, Balisong) und Bolo (Klinge)

Steht für die 3 Waffenlosen Stile:
1. Panuntukan, auch Suntukan,  ein philippinischer Box-Stil ohne sportliche Regeln.
2. Pamuok, als System der Take downs Hebel und Breaks
3. Dumog als Vertreter des Bodenkampfes


Am 13./14. 1. 18 Werden Unser Trainer Micha und Nico nach Polen reisen und dort ein Semianr im Panuntukan abhalten. :)

The 1st international seminar of LKP Germany in Leipzig was a great success. 28 particants from Germany Poland and Wales had 2 days of great Panuntukan and Balintawak, Special Thank goes to Guro Adam Duchnik for his amazing Balintawak expainations. Further to Krzysztof Herman for his translations, to Nico Dörfler for his assistence and to all guests who came long ways to share their FMA passion together with us . Hope to see you all soon again. Pugay

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1. International Balintawak and Panuntukan seminar in Leipzig. Guro Adam Duchnik will show techniques from Nickelstick Balintawak Cebu 2x2h Guro Michael Blasig will show techniques from Laraw Kali Pamouk Panuntukan and Boxing

Today , we had a special guest at our training: Björn Hoffmann is a good friend of mine, a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and Ju Jutsu and a fabulous martial artist. Together we worked on basic fallings and rollings and basic arm bars from his repertoir to connect them with dumog take downs and locks,,,Well done bro it was a amazing cross over training and its worth a repitition :) Your techniques as well as your methods were excellent. Martial arts means to look behind your own horizon to improve yourself .

Impressions of the 15th FMA summer camp in Poland where our trainer Micha got invited instructor to show LKP panuntukan and dumog system. It was a great time . Always again.

First lesson of panuntukan during the polish summercamp is done. We did some basic boxing and evasions. Tomorrow we will proceed to blockings and entradas . Thanks to my friend Adam Duchnik for giving me the opportunity to bring LKP panuntukan to Poland.Further it's an honour to train Balintawak Eskrima.with my friend Norman Cabriana Elizar from cebu.

Am Wochenende fand in Leipzig der erste LKP Lehrgang statt. Die Themen waren Panuntukan am Samstag(4h) und dumog (3h)am Sonntag. Alle 16 Teilnehmer waren begeistert von der von Michael Blasig präsentierten Technik Fülle und der Effektivität des LKP. Vielen Dank nochmals an alle Teilnehmer für ihr motiviertes Training. Das war erst der Anfang. Mehr Seminare werden kommen! Videos werden folgen. (At the weekend we had our first LKP seminar in Leipzig. We did panuntukan on Saturday for 4h and dumog for 3h on sunday. All participants were impressed by the broad range of techniques and the efficiency of our system. Special thanks again to all guys for their hard working. and this is just the start. More seminars will follow Videos are about to come TOO.

Nach 2 Stunden schweißtreibender Prüfung haben alle 7 LKP Member dieses mit Bravour geschafft. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur bestandenen Antas Dalawa ( Level 2) an Nico, Frank, Lennart, Steve, Konrad, Rico und Mike. Weiter so

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