SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator
SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator supports entrepreneurs in Leipzig (not only from HHL) through infrastructure, coaching, mentoring and networking “SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator” is an integrated part of the overall CEIM concept of HHL. Located on the creative and inspiring area of the Leipzig’s cotton mill (Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei) it will be established at the beginning of 2015. It is financed by investors and its use for established companies.
Besides access to required infrastructure (co-working offices) founding and innovation teams benefit from intensive coaching and consulting as well as mentoring, from HHL’s excellent networks of investors and entrepreneurs, from supporting service providers and from the opportunities to exchange experiences internationally. The unique idea of “SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator” is that this platform can not only be used by startups but also by established companies. The focus is on innovative, internationally scalable business ideas. The program is limited to a maximum of 6 months at no charge and with no equity holding. Moreover, there is the opportunity of using additional other office spaces on Leipzig’s cotton mill to foster the further growth of the company.
It is open for business concepts from anywhere, not only from HHL.
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facebook.comIn Leipzig fliegen nicht nur Firmenträume hoch
**NEWSPAPER ARTICLE** Thank you szonline for featuring us!
Jobs - SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator: Infrastructure, Advice, Financing und Networking for innovative, technology-oriented startups
**NEW JOB OFFERS** Are YOU interested in a demanding startup job? Our current and alumni startups are always looking for passionate and creative people for several positions! Click here and apply now!
Incubadora de Negocios Chrysalis
**NEW PARTNERSHIP** We are happy to announce our new partnership with Incubadora de Negocios Chrysalis, the chilean incubator business of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Valparaíso. Together we will enable startups of both organizations to exchange experiences and knowledge through a co-incubation plan that includes a stay for a month on the facilities of the corresponding program. The startups will get a tailored made experience and mentorship program. (y)
agiLE | barcamp 2016 @ SpinLab (Leipzig)
**BARCAMP LEIPZIG** On September 24 our office will be transformed into a platform for lectures, workshops and discussions on the topics Agile, Lean, Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, and Co. The AgiLE | barcamp 2016 consists of sessions that fill up at the beginning. The topics and formats are based on the contributions, interests and skills of the participants. You are most welcome to join and listen, provide feedback and expert knowledge. Click here and save your ticket!!
SpinLab-Startups starten durch – SENSAPE auf Erfolgskurs - SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator: Infrastructure, Advice, Financing und Networking for innovative, technology-oriented startups
**SPINLAB BLOG** Read the new blog article about our portfolio company SENSAPE! Recently, they won the 2nd prize of Finodex Project and currently have a lot of exciting projects with large firms. #sensape #SpinLabstartups
Rayan Abdullah
**WORKSHOP** Next Monday at 2pm, we have the honor to host Prof. Dr. Rayan Abdullah for his workshop "The way towards a brand". If you are interested to join together with our startups, write us a mail: info@spinlab.co!
Photos from SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator's post
**DAILY STARTUP BUSINESS** We caught a Rattfratz and a Traumato around the #SpinLab area. Did you reach level 5 and choose your Team? Of course we are Team Blue! ;) Have a nice weekend! #pokemongo
We need extraordinary people for an extraordinary position at SpinLab! Apply now!
**NEW JOB OFFER** Do you look for a new job with young and innovative startups in a highly creative environment? You are a open-minded, friendly, communicative and very passionate person? Apply now as Online-Marketing-and Event-Manager at SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator!
**START-UP-DATE** Proud that our alumni startup ekoio successfully finished a crowdinvestment campaign at Seedmatch. Thanks to all backers! #crowdfunding #venturecapital
**START-UP-DATE** Congratulations to our current startup team Animus! They are among the best startups of the competition Startup Me Up from BILANZ! (y)
Partner - SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator: Infrastructure, Advice, Financing und Networking for...
**NEW PARTNERSHIP** We welcome Lecturio, a Leipzig-based medical e-learning startup, as a new technology partner in the SpinLab community. The courses they offer are taught by renowned instructors from around the world, and the content is available 24 hours a day. Plus, they are currently offering an incredible deal for other startups who would like to sign up and help make the product even better for the global healthcare community!
Neuer eCAPITAL Fonds IV und Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen investieren in die Rhebo
**START-UP-DATE** CONGRATULATION to Klaus Mochalski and Martin Menschner! The new #eCAPITAL fonds IV and the #TGFS invest in our portfolio company Rhebo. We are very proud to see our startups fly! (y) :)