Yoga lessons – flexible and free to choose – held by professional yoga teachers –affordable intense and regular yoga practice Drop-in yoga classes – taught by experienced yoga teachers, and priced according to your income. Intense, affordable and regular yoga practice in the heart of Kreuzberg, at the Gelber Raum, Mariannenstr. 48.
Yoga for Everybody
We would like to make yoga available for everybody, regardless of income.
The classes are taught by several professional teachers, most of them in English.
In addition to paying for a single class or buying a 10-class card, you can sign up for the yellow yoga flatrate. It gives you unlimited access to yoga for a month. Doing yoga often is awesome and with our flatrate it is affordable.
Despite yellow yoga’s social system we do pay our teachers a fair salary.
Flexibility and Freedom
Yogis don’t need to reserve a spot, just show up. But please be on time, we are serious about that!
The yellow yoga flatrate works on a monthly basis – no contractual obligations – total freedom. Hurray!
The price for a 60 min lesson depends on your socio-economical situation.
monthly income below 700 Euro 4 €
monthly income below 1000 Euro 6 €
monthly income higher than 1000 Euro 8 €
The price for a 75 min lesson is:
monthly income below 700 Euro 6 €
monthly income below 1000 Euro 9 €
monthly income higher than 1000 Euro 12 €
Buy a 10-session ticket and enjoy 11 classes.
The yellow yoga flatrate costs monthly: 50€
Our prices are still much, much lower than any of the other yoga studios in the area. And we are whole-heartedly committed to bringing the healing powers and the positive vibes of yoga to everyone, EVEN THE POOR. Our socially rated price system works only if there is also people paying the higher prices. We are extremely grateful for your continuous support!
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This week Liina's vinyasa classes focus on the theme of autumn from an Ayurvedic point of view. To balance the vata dosha and maintain an equilibrium we will move with intention and fluidity - warriors and balancing poses bring in the qualities of stability, strength and groundedness, releasing into backbends and forward bends in order to feel deeply nourished and restored. thu 13.45-15.00/ level A+/ Studio Sonne fr 15.30-17.00/ level A/ Studio Sonne
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This week Jennifer's classes focus on the element of air: how does it move your body, how can you make more space for it to enter, how does its touch feel? A sequence of unaggressive shoulder and chest openers give greater access to breath to receive more prana - life energy. tue 15.30 – 17.00/ shiva shakti/ level A+/ Gelber Raum we 9.00 – 10.00/ vinyasa/ level A+/ Gelber Raum
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We like to start the week off by practicing gratitude; taking a few minutes in the morning to think about what we're grateful for.
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This week Shannon's vinyasa classes focus on flow and transitions. Learn how to move through change in the body and mind with grace, focusing not only on the postures themselves but the transitions between. There will also be a focus placed on postures and pranayama excercises that help boost the immune system in preparation for the cooler months. tue 19.30-21.00/ level B/ Gelber Raum thu 12.15-13.30/ level A+/ Gelber Raum fri 10.30 – 11.45/ level A+/ Gelber Raum
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Join a Friday kundalini class to head into the long weekend with calm, clear and centred mind and body. Sofia is ready to share the ancient wisdom of kundalini yoga with you. fri 12.15-13.30/ Gelber Raum fri 17.30-19.00/ Gelber Raum
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Stay curious.
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Jon will be away on coming Sundays, so the following singing circle classes are cancelled: Su Sep 25/ 21.15-22.30 Su Oct 9/ 21.15-22.30
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Move, breathe, rest, explore and dance in ‘Form, Fullness and Space’ - a 3-week Body-Mind Centering® morning challenge with Nina. Explore structures of the body and their possibilities for movement. Through anatomical ideas, movement, perception and touch place your awareness into different body systems. Oct 17 – Nov 4 mo, tu, we, fr 8.30 – 10.00/ th 8.30 – 9.30 at Studio Sonne 120€ Full course description here:
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One asana at a time.
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Have you experienced Naama's Feldenkrais class yet? Increase your ease and range of motion and improve your flexibility and coordination through gentle movement and directed attention. Tuesday at 10.30-11.45 in Gelber Raum.
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Tomorrow join Nina for her new Body-Mind-Centering® class, a transformative creative process focusing on movement, body-based language, developmental repatterning and consciousness. mo/14.00/Gelber Raum
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Do you have dreams of becoming a yoga teacher? Our very own Julie Blumenthal has two Yoga Alliance ISHTA Teacher Training courses starting soon, with a couple of places free in each. Level 1 200-hour TT starts on 7 October. If you are already a 200-hour certified teacher you can take the Level 2 300-hour cycle, starting 23 September. Find out more here: