Top Local Places

Alphabet e.V.

Gimbacher Weg 8b, Kelkheim, Germany
Non-profit organization



English language education opportunities for children in the Rhein/Mainarea.
Englischsprachige Bildungsangebote für Kinder im Rhein-Main-Gebiet.

Full Impressum under About.


Neuanschaffungen für die Alphabet-Bücherei - Eins von vielen gemeinnützigen Projekten...

Now ranking 39. Help make some extra ground today by voting and continuing to spread the word to friends, family and colleagues! We need 160 extra votes to make it to rank 30 and win 2000 Euro for our library. You can vote once a day per email address until June 7th. Jetzt auf Platz 39. Helft uns heute aufzuholen mit all Euren Stimmen und teile den Link mit Freunden, Familienmitgliedern, Kollegen! Wir brauchen 160 zusätzliche Stimmen um unter die besten 30 zu kommen und 2000 Euro für unsere Bücherei zu gewinnen. Ihr könnt ein mal täglich per Email-Adresse bis zum 7. Juni abstimmen.

Rank 40! We are getting closer to our goal, but the competition is growing stiffer. Please help us to find more voters! You can vote once daily using each of your email addresses. Thanks for your support.

Neuanschaffungen für die Alphabet-Bücherei - Eins von vielen gemeinnützigen Projekten...

We rank 42nd and are only 22 votes behind the project "neuer Krippenwagen für Ausflüge", rank 39! Let's close the gap tonight! If you haven't voted... Thank you, Your Alphabet Team

We are at 631 votes and rank 45. Please continue to vote every day using all your family's email addresses, and keep spreading the word. With your help we can make it to the top 30 and win 2000 Euro for our children's library!

Neuanschaffungen für die Alphabet-Bücherei - Eins von vielen gemeinnützigen Projekten...

Thank you all for voting. We made it to rank 46 today! Keep it up and vote again tomorrow!

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Rank 50 and moving ahead! Please keep up the voting for our library project! We are getting closer to reaching the top 30! Platz 50 und auf dem Weg nach oben! Bitte weiter Eure Stimmen jeden Tag für unser Projekt abgeben! Wir nähern uns den top 30!…/neuanschaffungen-fur-die-a…/

We now rank 58th! We are doing well, but still need more votes to make into the top 30. Please support us by remembering to vote daily and using all your email addresses!

We currently rank 77 of 509. Our goal is to be among the top 30 to win 2000 Euro in funding. It is possible to vote using several email addresses on one device, so please vote using all your family's email addresses! Please help us compete with the larger participating organizations by voting as often as you can. And don't forget to spread the word! Thank you, Your Alphabet Team


Don't forget to vote for the Alphabet Library project today! Sparda-Bank Hessen is giving away 2000 Euro in funding to 30 participating non-profit organizations in Hessen for the projects they present in the Sparda-vereint contest ("Große SpardaFrühjahrsaktion 2016" Help Alphabet become one of the top 30 by casting your vote ONCE DAILY from May 11th - June 7th. Ask your family and friends to do the same. Every vote counts! To cast your vote, follow this link to the Alphabet Library project page: Click on the vote button ("abstimmen"), check the Captcha box to confirm you are not a robot, enter your email address and send. You will receive an email with a link to follow to verify your email address. You must complete this step to make your vote count. You can cast up to one vote per day. We appreciate your efforts to vote for Alphabet every day through to June 7th! Thank you for your support!

Alphabet beim Einkaufen ohne Mehrkosten unterstützen!

We are gearing up for the return of the Alphabet Library as a mobile library in May. Please help support this project and visit before doing your online shopping. There are over 1300 shops to choose from (including and it is completely free! Here is a link to the Alphbet e.V. profile on Gooding: Thank you for your support!

We learned about evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection in our Wonderful Water event yesterday. Thanks to our fabulous teacher and all who attended, it was a great group!

Alphabet e.V.

Last chance to sign up!


NEAR Alphabet e.V.

Gartenfee :-)

Kelkheim, Germany
Business Service