Saxon Ornithologists' Society
The Saxon Ornithologists' Society (Verein Sächsischer Ornithologen e.V. - VSO) has been active in bird life research and conservation since 1922. Short portrait of the Saxon Ornithologists' Association
• The Society was founded in Dresden in 1922 on the initiative of Rudolf Zimmermann. In 1990, a group of 65 Saxon ornithologists attended the rebirth of the association in 1990 in Augustusburg castle in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains).
• Our symbol is the Eurasian Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum), a typical resident of the mountain region of Saxony, and the smallest European owl.
• Today our society has over 750 members, some from far beyond the borders of Saxony and Germany. Our youngest member is 10 years old and our oldest 87.
• Our members devote a great deal of their leisure time to the promotion of regional ornithological research within the Free State of Saxony, which also includes work on their own individual research projects.
• Since 1990, after a break of 45 years during the Cold War, our Society again publishes its own scientific house magazine, Reports from the Saxon Ornithologists' Society' (Mitteilungen des Vereins Sächsischer Ornithologen). Paid-up Society members receive free copies of all publications that, in addition to the'Reports' also include regular special issues, twice-yearly printed round-robins, as well as other information leaflets and brochures. The Society's website provides up-to-date news and information on events, as well as an open forum for posting of bird sightings, particularly from Saxony.
• The annual AGM and Convention, with interesting presentations by members and guests, is traditionally held in a different part of Saxony every year. In addition numerous ornithological excursions and trips (to date on all continents with the exception of Australasia and Antarctica), seminars and other events are organised at home and abroad. Most events are open to non-members.
• Our Society plays an active part in the national and regional bird monitoring programmes of the German umbrella avifaunistic association (Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten - DDA). The competent and qualified work of our members also contributes greatly to the work of the Saxon nature protection agencies. Specially trained members, working in an honorary capacity, systematically ring birds on behalf of the Hiddensee ornithological station.
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