Counter- & Social Intelligence Agency offering services for Ad Agencies/ Brands, Human Resource, Legal Counsel and Cyber Crisis Management About Us
The story behind military duty and mad man business.
When Cyber Intelligence and Digital Marketing meet, a joint venture arises with the power to combine the best of both worlds. bits&digits was formed with the intention to disect intelligence of any kind into bits & digits and make it accessible to our clients with a clear focus on counter- & social intelligence. Our claim “Scire nostrum reminisci.” is the basis to anything we do, the bits form our insights and the digits the solutions we provide based on the given objectives.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS of #10 #Bitcoin #Commandments by #bitsdigits: If you have to give up your ID, your name, your address or anything we call PII (Personal Identifiable Information), ABORT! Man, you’re dead wrong for reading this and not heeding this warning. McKinney V Charlton
#2 of #10 #Bitcoin #Commandments by #bitsdigits: If you have to give up your ID, your name, your address or anything we call PII (Personal Identifiable Information), ABORT! Man, you’re dead wrong for reading this and not heeding this warning.
Yesterday, we sent a RFI to anyone who had contacts in El Paso City Government. This is what makes bits&digits do what we do. Who said Cyber doesn't Save Lives MalwareMustDie #CyberRonin Rich Roth thanks for your help
Humans make errors, and humans aren't perfect. Now thats out of the way, dereliction to duty and CDRL Violations have penalties. Time for this to stop, and stop pretentending there isnt a problem. 7Th Fleet ships are sinking, wrecking, IC is leaving open AWS servers. I dont buy the work accident one bit, this is a problem that needs to be addressed asap.
~Not Your Mark~#NoSecrets CounterIntelligence & Surveillance Self Defense. Yesterday we shed some light on ALPR systems and how as all things in life have positive and negative uses for different walks of life. But knowing about them is half the battle. Now that you know there exists a system that both mobile LEO and static posts in the city you live in, constantly track and monitor license plates and more. You also know that the @ACLU and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) have broken serious ground on submitting FOIA requests on these systems from a privacy and civil liberties perspective. Tomorrow, Ill show you where they are and why some are wide open like my nose when I was 14.
This week in ~Im Not Your Mark~ Tao of #CounterCyberIntellignce for the Everyday Citizen a #NoSecrets System designed to inform the uninitiated on simple #IntelHacks #LifeHacks for your personal digital self defense. Learn the various systems that potentially FOIA requests can touch. Or perhaps contains digital evidence of a wrongdoing, an innocence in a trail, or wrongful persecution. Case and Point: You or a friend is detained by a LEO for suspicions of being involved in a serious crime, lets say for the sake of this argument a hit and run that resulted in the death of a couple in densely populated metropolitan area. Because you are a devout practitioner of ISLAM you were were profiled as being involved in this crime because of two identifiers. 1. The Hijab you were wearing 2. The Make Model and Color of the Vehicle you are driving. Now, we are going to focus on one specific technology for the sake of this article that may help you in a situation like this. While I am not a Hijab wearing Muslim, I HAVE been in similar situations where my technical insight and acumen allowed me to leverage the understanding of ALPR systems to identify that I have been wrongfully identified. Do you know what ALPR is? A.utomated L.icense P.late R.ecognition (YIN)Learn what is being used to conduct indirect and direct surveillance on you. (YIN) (Yang) Learn the various systems that be a life line in the defense of your freedom (YANG) Systems like ALPR- FOIA requests can touch. Or perhaps contains digital evidence of a wrongdoing, an innocence in a trail, or wrongful persecution Do yourself a favor and get up to speed on what this system is. The good folks over Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has a great writeup. #BeAware #NoMarkZone
Secret Back Door in Some U.S. Phones Sent Data to China, Analysts Say
Who is that looking at your #Blu Phone text messages? #China and "no one else" .. so they say. #hackability #bitsdigits
Over 85% Of Smart TVs Can Be Hacked Remotely Using Broadcasting Signals
Seriously wonder what this means for SOCs, Hospital Monitoring Centers, and Classified Spaces #IOTpwnd #hackability
Some leak secrets, others offer solutions. A 3-month project with some heavy lifting from some of the best people across the board. #NoSecrets is not another data dump. It's the red pill of Data Privacy. No matter the amount of press you consume about data breaches none of them can paint the reality like #NoSecrets. Lockin Peerlyst You both rock....... Digital-Mamba Out.....
Data enrichment records for 200 million people up for sale on the Darknet
Enriched data records sold on dark-net for pennies on the dollar.=. Military training says 5w and begin there. Perhaps after the next article will open a portal of perspective that lasts longer than 5min:)
#Apple users targeted in 1st known Mac #ransomware campaign #transmission #bitsdigits

New Technologies Give Government Ample Means to Track Suspects, Study Finds: #nyt #fbi #encryption #hackability
