STULZ - CLIMATE. CUSTOMIZED. Since it was founded in 1947, the STULZ company has evolved into one of the world’s leading system suppliers of air-conditioning technology. With the manufacture of precision air-conditioning units and chillers, the sale of air-conditioning and humidification systems and service and object management, this division of the STULZ Group achieved a turnover of around 420 million euros in 2016. Since 1974 the group has seen continual international expansion of its air conditioning technology business, specialising in A/C for data centres and telecommunications installations. STULZ employs 2,300 workers in Germany and nineteen subsidiaries (in Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Brazil, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Spain, Singapore, China, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia and the USA). The company also co-operates with sales and service partners in over 135 other countries, and therefore boasts an international network of air-conditioning specialists. It has production plants in Germany, Italy, the USA, United Kingdom, Spain, 2 in China, Brazil and India. The STULZ Group employs around 6,700 people worldwide, with current annual sales of around 1,200 million euros.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS Our colleague Sebastian Beyer, leader test center, explains different test scenarios and why it is so important to test your air conditioning solution under different temperature and humidity conditions. Thanks to for publication.
#StulzOnTour Year 2018 is picking up speed and the first events are as well in their starting blocks. The next stop is the Datacentre Experience on March 1st in Frankfurt Germany. Our colleague Frank Trautmann is going to refer about new laws and instructions in the sector of technical building installations. For sure, the increasing price of refrigerants is going to be on the agenda as it is the hot topic in our branch. Who is in need for further information, can check out the DCW website: (only in German unfortunately)
#SaferSet Today is Data Privacy Day. To ensure data security, a good protection against hackers is not the only necessity. As well negative outside influences like fires, power breakdowns, floods and overheating needs considering. Especially against the last one, we at STULZ can do something. If you have any questions regarding this topic, feel free to contact our support anytime: Team STULZ wishes you a joyful and safe Sunday.
#OnOurOwnBehalf Dearest friends, colleagues, fans and subscribers, some of you may already know Facebook is changing their algorithm to return to their initial sense of being a more social and interacting platform. As a result, companies like us, or rather our posts, will fade more into the background. For all of you which still want to be up to date with STULZ a short guidance: Go to our STULZ Facebook page to “following” and choose “see first” in the drop down menu. In this context, we would like to say THANK YOU for your loyalty and engagement!
#InEigenerSache Liebe Freunde, Kollegen, Fans und Abonnenten, wie vielleicht schon bekannt, stellt Facebook seinen Algorithmus um und möchte so wieder mehr zur sozialen bzw. interagierenden Plattform werden. Firmen wie wir, bzw. unsere Beiträge, rücken dadurch in den Hintergrund. Für alle, die weiterhin unsere Beiträge sehen möchten, eine kleine Anleitung wie ihr trotzdem auf dem neusten Stand bleibt: Einfach auf die STULZ Facebook Seite gehen und bei „Abonniert“ auf „als erstes anzeigen“ klicken. In diesem Zuge nochmal ein dickes DANKE an Euch für eure Treue und euer Engagement!
#FGasGap The artificial shortage of refrigerants enters the next round. On January 1st 2018 the second step of the Phase-Down-Scenario of the EU regulation 517/2014 entered into force. Some of you might not know the reduction from 2017 to 2018 is not 30% but almost 44%. Background: in 2015 calculated total amount of refrigerants did not include so called „pre-charged imports“. Who is still in need of some basic information about this topic can find a good explanation from the EPEE below.
#TestTheBest Das Wirtschaftsmagazin CAPITAL hat gewählt: STULZ gehört zu den besten Ausbildungsbetrieben Deutschlands. Über 500 Unternehmen haben an der Wahl 2017 teilgenommen und sich der 60 Fragen starken Studie gestellt. Dabei wurden unter anderem Betreuung, Lernen im Betrieb, Engagement und Erfolgschancen für die Auszubildenden durchleuchtet. Wer noch auf der Suche nach einem Ausbildungsplatz ist, hier geht’s zu den offenen Stellen:
#DrivingHomeForChristmas We just cannot live without you. Therefor a short sign of life from the “German Autobahn”. We are on the way to our beloved ones to celebrate Christmas. Happy Holidays to all of you. Wir können einfach nicht ohne Euch. Deswegen nochmal ein kurzes Lebenszeichen von der „German Autobahn“. Wir sind jetzt auf dem Weg zu unseren Liebsten um gemeinsam die Feiertage zu genießen. Frohe Weihnachten!
#HappyHolidays The year is coming to an end and we are slowly preparing us for the holidays. We can look back on a successful and eventful 2017. In this regard, we would like to thank all of you who supported and joined us this past year. The STULZ Social Media Team is now signing off and is wishing you happy holidays and a good start to the New Year. We see each other in 2018.
#TraditionAndModernity Last week Teraco Data Environments and STULZ were priced with “Energy Efficiency Improvers Award“ at the Datacenter Dynamics Global Awards in London. Another winner of the evening was the supercomputing center MareNostrum from Barcelona, which won the award in the category “World’s Most Beautiful Data Center“. Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación uploaded a time-lapse video of the upgrade process. If you watch closely, you can spot some of our products in there.
Celebrating the Datacentre Dynamics Global Award „Energy Efficiency Improvers“ together with #Teraco