Grace Baptist Church, Grafenwoehr near Tower Barracks and Rose Barracks
Worship Service 10:45am Sundays
Sunday School for ALL ages) 9:45am Sundays
*Nursery for kids 0-3 & K.I.D.S. Church for 3-12 during services
Are you looking for a "church home away from home" while stationed in the Grafenwoehr-Vilseck area in Germany? Do you wish to know more about God, the Bible and the Christian life?
Are you seeking joyful worship, sound Bible preaching and teaching and relevant application of the Bible to daily life? Would you like to get "connected" with other Christians seeking to know God better and grow more in the Christian faith? If so, check us out. No matter what your age, religious background, race, color or nationality, we have a MINISTRY FOR YOU!
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facebook.comJoin us for a Candlelight service this Sunday morning (Christmas Eve) at 10:45. There will be congregational carol singing, vocal and instrumental specials, our German Awana children’s choir, the Christmas story read in 4 languages (translated into English on the screen) and a special devotional by Pastor Chuck AND 2 baptisms!
Join us for a Candlelight service this Sunday morning (Christmas Eve) at 10:45. There will be congregational carol singing, vocal and instrumental specials, our German Awana children’s choir, the Christmas story read in 4 languages (translated into English on the screen) and a special devotional by Pastor Chuck.
In Acts 23:1-13, Paul told a crowd how he found Jesus. This Sunday, preaching from this text, Pastor Sligh will explain how you too can find Jesus. Join us at 10:45. Why not come early and also join us for 9:45 Sunday School for all ages?
The descendants of the Pilgrims would put 5 kernels of corn on an empty plate and each family member would pick up a kernel and tell what they were thankful for. This Sunday, hear Pastor Sligh preaching on “Five Kernels of Thanksgiving” that David shares in Ps. 103:1-5.