Lebdiri Studios
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New Fashion Film Production for Mizaan 🎥 Directed by Selma Lebdiri #lebdirisisters
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Don’t count the days; make the days count. - #MuhammadAli Rest in peace champ.
Fashion FIlm Produced For Mizaan E-Mail us at contact@lebdiristudios.com for inquires.
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You can't always be the most talented but you can always be the hardest working. #mondaymotivation Too many to-dos for one day, sounds familiar to anyone? #lebdiristudios #lebdirisisters #motivation #success #entrepreneurs #workhard
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Selma's photography on the very cool fashion blog "Minazification" Check it out: http://www.minazification.com/blog/thehistoricterminal
Lebdiri Studios's cover photo
Lebdiri Studios
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EXCITING NEWS! 💥 Selms Creative Productions becomes LEBDIRI STUDIOS! It's been a while now. I wasn't active for quite some time.. but everything has a reason: So today I want to explain what is happening. My sister Meriem (fashion designer) and I (Selma, photographer, graphic designer) were producing photo shoots, fashion films & the online shops for our brands Mizaan and Ummahbrand and for different clients as a designer duo for almost 3 years now. We did most of the work from home or little spaces which never were really sufficient for creative work or for having co-workers. We realized that we need a creative space that combines all our projects. Now is the time: We are happy to announce, that we have opened up our own studios which will be including the HQ of our brands! Also we will act as a creative agency & production studios for media, fashion, photography and film. More details will come soon! #exitded #lebdirisisters #lebdiristudios PS: Would you like to see us in a video doing a studio tour? 😏 🙊 We are snapping and instagramming (@SelmaLebdiri/@MeriemLebdiri) right now to show you around :)
It's on You to Change Your Life | "Piet – Inspirational Short Film"
It's on You to Change Your Life. Selms Creative Productions co-produced and directed the photography for this short film. It won a national german award in 2015.