YouMatch – Global Initiative on Innovative Labour Market Services for Youth Our approach: Improving labour market services for youth
“YouMatch” focusses on the link between labour demand and supply with the key idea to improve job matching for youth. That way, the initiative addresses the challenge of bringing youth and especially young women into sustainable employment and offering them long term prospects through innovative solutions.
The particular emphasis of “YouMatch” is on the MENA region and Sub-Saharan Africa where youth unemployment respectively underemployment are the highest in the world. The initiative encourages and facilitates an ongoing regional and global dialogue on labour market services based on peer exchange. This dialogue includes the public and private sector as well as the civil society and youth themselves in order to identify solutions that really offer a potential for improvement.
“YouMatch” offers stakeholders and practitioners from labour ministries, business associations, civil society organisations and employment promotion programmes the platform to discuss universal success factors of existing labour market services for young people. It helps to identify good examples, to further develop and implement innovative labour market solutions, to transfer adjusted models into different country contexts and to share lessons learnt. To support this process, a demand driven toolbox will be developed together with the participants on the platform.
Valuing existing knowledge and the experience of peers in both programme regions and beyond is crucial to achieve sustainable results. Throughout the process, expertise from international organisations and from countries which can provide good practices, e.g. Germany or other European countries, will be incorporated as and when required.
Results and recommendations of “YouMatch” will be shared on the platform of the global initiative and introduced in relevant discussions on the regional and global level.
Notre approche : améliorer les services de l’emploi pour les jeunes
« YouMatch » met l’accent sur le lien entre la demande et l’offre d’emplois, avec une idée maîtresse : améliorer l’adéquation entre l’offre et la demande d’emplois pour les jeunes. L’initiative entend ainsi relever le défi consistant à offrir aux jeunes et plus particulièrement aux jeunes femmes des emplois durables ainsi que des perspectives à long terme grâce à des solutions novatrices.
L’initiative « YouMatch » vise plus particulièrement la région MENA et l’Afrique sub-saharienne où le chômage et le sous-emploi des jeunes sont les plus élevés du monde. Elle encourage et facilite l’instauration d’un dialogue régional et mondial permanent sur les services de l’emploi, basé sur l’échange avec les pairs. Les secteurs public et privé ainsi que la société civile et les jeunes eux-mêmes participent à ce dialogue afin de trouver des solutions offrant un véritable potentiel d’amélioration.
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