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Time to Talk

Düsseldorfer Landstraße 180, Duisburg, Germany
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)



"It's Time to Talk"  - that is Kindernothilfe, terre des hommes, Save the Children Canada and many more uniting to give working children worldwide a voice. Our campaign – “It’s Time to Talk – Children’s views on Children’s work”– incorporates numerous international organizations, stakeholders and individuals all campaigning to ensure that working children have a voice in the discussions on child labour. The campaign is aimed at ensuring that the opinions of working boys and girls on child work and labour enter the political debates in the run-up to the Fourth Global Child Labour Conference in Argentina alongside those of the politicians, trade unions and participating nations.


Yesterday was a great success! We officially launched the Time to Talk! Report at our Press Conference and also had a Side Event with many other Organizations! Thank you all for coming and for listening to the working children´s messages! You can find the report now on our website!

Today is the day - the Press Conference at the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour in Buenos Aires starts at 2pm ! Later, at 5.30 pm, we are inviting to our Side Event "Children´s Views on Children´s Work"! Have a look at our programme - We are looking forward to your visit! #CLConf

Today starts the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour! We are proud to be part of and to present our report and findings during our Side Event and a press conference TOMORROW! We also present our video to show you more about the realities of working children:

Tomorrow starts the "IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour" in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are so proud to be part of this conference and to be able to present our project and share the views of working children worldwide! We will have a Side Event "Children´s Views on Children´s Work" and an Press conference on Wednesday, 15th of November! We will report on all our channels directly from Argentina! #CLConf2017

Did you know we have a childfriendly Newsletter for our children and youth participants? Have a peek! :)

GIVE CHILDREN A VOICE! Germany is celebrating World Children's Day every year on 20th september. We welcome this year's theme #givechildrenavoice! Promoting the right to participation through a public event helps to raise awareness like we did with our public action in #guatemala, #kenya, #iraq and many other countries. #worldchildrensday #worldchildrensday2017 #participationrights #letstalkaboutchildwork #childrensrights #weltkindertag #weltkindertag2017

Enabling youth participation is an important step towards the fulfilment of #participationrights. The project organizers of Time to Talk think even bigger and include not only youth but also children aged five to eighteen when it comes to providing a neutral platform for children and youth to make their voices heard. The IV Global Conference on Child Labour is providing the possibility to apply as a Youth Ambassador at the upcoming conference in Argentina. Further information about application requirements can be found here: #talkaboutchildwork #letstalkaboutchildwork #CLConf17 #expertsonchildwork #timetotalk

„We want to grow! We want to go to school! Stop child labour!“ is what the people of Medan City read on the huge banner in Simpang Post Street on April 28, 2017. The banner which was designed by working children in a workshop was published on the streets as part of the public action of our partner organisation PKPA Indonesia. Furthermore two children representatives from Time To Talk campaign were invited by the national radio network Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) to participate in a radio show to talk about the challenges of working children. You are curious? You would like to have more information on this public action? Read more here:

You are curious how our partners experienced the consultations? What they learned from the children? Our partners LENTCH in Chimbote and Die Sternsinger are the first ones to report from their point of view - in our new news category Partner Reflections. #timetotalk #letstalkaboutchildwork

Last weekend working children from our partner projects called for attention for their situation in public actions. Further public actions will take place in the following weeks until the World Day against Child Labour on June 12. Under the slogan “It’s time to talk about …”, children and youth worldwide discuss the challenges, risks and necessities of child work in workshops, theatre performances and child marches. For further information and photos, check our website: #timetotalk #letstalkaboutchildwork #listentoworkingchildren

Our colleague Anne is currently travelling in Guatemala for us. She is visiting our project partners PAMI & CEIPA, together with the journalist Roland Brockmann #timetotalk #letstalkaboutchildwork


NEAR Time to Talk