Silver performance apparel - regulate temperature, reduce perspiration, 100% odor free. Guranteed! About BestSilver - in 10 sentences
BestSilver textiles are in Dermatology the cortisone free alternative for the treatment of dermatitis and eczema to help stop the itch, reduce perspiration and stop bad odours. They are wound healing and regulate temperature. Suitable for both adults and children. In occupational medicine they offer protective clothing and are THE cortisone free alternative for the treatment of occupation related skin eczema. Stop perspiration related bad odours, is wound healing and temperature regulating. No more cold feet or hands. Suitable for the treatment of Raynaud's syndrome. Recommended by occupational physicians and Health & Safety Associations. In Sport and Leisure silverwear is ideal for many activities regardless of the season: silver can reduce perspiration, stop bad odour and Athletes Foot; wound healing and warm in winter, cool in summer.
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