Europe Center
The Europe Center project preserves the living transmission of Diamond Way Buddhism, and is an international meeting point for all Diamond Way groups worldwide.
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facebook.comWe're looking forward to our weekend full of dharma teachings,, meditation and fun with Phil from Sydney. He already arrived today, so come and join us also spontaneously if you like! :)
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Dear friends, please register now and read the information on our EC website about the event with H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche thoroughly before you do, thank you!
Rainbow above the Stupa of Complete Victory
Dear friends, the final dismantling weekend for the EC Summer Course, on which we take part in some joyful effort together, will be 1st Sept - 3rd Sept, and we are looking for 300 Vikings to join us for the last battle! In the evenings there will be lectures by Diamond Way teacher Klaus Neukirchen. Our main focus will be the dismantling of the kitchen floor, sorting wood, doing a general clean up on every level and dismantling Toolhala. There are jobs for everyone, no matter your strength or skill level. We work together and keep it joyful. :) Talk to your friends, fill a car and head to the EC! Please register now at We hope to see many of your here!!!
Transcript of Lama Oles speech to his students during the Summer Course at the Europe Center on Aug 13, 2017
Lama Ole Nydahl welcomed Nedo Rinpoche for the first time to the Europe Center this Wednesday, August 13th. Nedo Rinpoche was warmly invited to give teachings and empowerments at the 10th International Europe Center Summer Course #10thecsc
One of the highest lamas of the Kagyu Lineage will give teachings at the Europe Center for the first time. We are very honored and much looking forward! The Jamgon Kongtruls are honored as lineage-holders of all the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, although they are primarily identified with the Karma Kagyu lineage. The Jamgon Kongtruls have had a profound influence on many teachers and masters of the different schools. The fourth recognition occurred in December 1996, when Thaye Dorje gave him the name Karma Migyur Drakpa Sengge Trinley Kunkhyab Palzangpo. The child, often referred to as Jamgon Yangsi, had been born the son of Beru Khyentse Rinpoche on 17 December, 1995 in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal on the anniversary of the birth of Tsongkhapa (the 25th of the Tibetan month). When Thaye Dorje first visited Bodhgaya on 23 December 1996, Yangsi Rinpoche despite his young age was able to spontaneously pick up some rice and toss it into the air as a mandala offering, signifying the auspicious connection between Karmapa and Jamgon Kongtrul. In 1997, at Beru Khyentse Rinpoche’s request, the Dalai Lama performed the hair-cutting ceremony for Jamgon Yangsi in Bodhgaya. In 2000 Penor Rinpoche, then head of the Nyingma sect, again reconfirmed Jamgon Yangsi as the genuine reincarnation of the Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye. Detailed program to follow soon. breakfast: 2€, lunch: 4€, dinner: 4€ Register now at
Nedo Rinpoche arrived at the Europe Center for the first time today. Lama Ole Nydahl was happy to welcome Nedo Rinpoche and some of our local EC residents offered to guide Nedo Rinpoche around the Europe Center after dinner to see what we have created together here. Nedo Rinpoche will give teachings over the next couple of days and he will give a Diamond Mind and White Tara empowerment over the weekend. Its a blessing to have Nedo Rinpoche join us for the course - Wednesday, August 9th. ................. Follow us on Instagram (@europecenter) to check out our daily "The Way Things Are" Insta-stories. #10thecsc
We said goodbye to Maniwa Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and his attendants Anila and Kamstang with lots of thankfulness and joy today. Lama Ole Nydahl continued the day with a Q&A session in the afternoon which was followed by one of our best Summer Course traditions, our Worldwide Presentation Night - Tuesday, August 8th. ................. Follow us on Instagram (@europecenter) to check out our daily "The Way Things Are" Insta-stories. #10thecsc
The 16 Karmapas – EC Summer Course Exhibition We are happy to share this year’s exhibition in the gompa tent with you: very brief but at the same time deeply inspiring insights into the lives of the 16 Karmapas, the heads of the Karma Kagyü Lineage. We hope you enjoy! Copyright 2017 Europe Center · All rights reserved
Days 8-10 Catch up with what's been going on the last days with Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Nedo Rinpoche and Lama Ole Nydahl on the EC blog and make sure to subsribe to the blog news on the right side of the page as well. Enjoy! :)
We said goodbye to Maniwa Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and his attendants Ani Tenzin and Kamtsang-la on Tuesday morning. Lama Ole Nydahl and Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche had spent the last 1 & a half months together traveling, giving teachings and empowerments throughout Russia, Mongolia and most recently the Europe Center. It was such a gift he could join us this year!
Mood of the day. EC Germany. #mood #buddhism #karmakagyu #Europe_center photo @kateheifitz_photo

The most stunning weekend meditating with friends! So blessed to also call this place home! #blessed #europecenter #meditation #beautifulweekend #summerishere

F r i e n d s O n T h e W a y ❤️ #kagyu #europecenter #happiness #lifeisbeautiful #friends #lama #immenstadt#latepost

#europe #photography #spring #2017

Синее небо, белые облака .. 🎶

Третий заезд в 2017-ом) Грех жаловаться на карму 💚

Искренне радуюсь, что эти люстры в вилле, с более чем вековой историей, были оставлены на своих местах! Неожиданное, но весьма гармоничное переплётение буддизма Алмазного пути и многочисленного имущества семьи, которой принадлежала вилла. Хорошая связь))

Лама Оле: Шестнадцатый Кармапа говорил ОМ МАНИ ПЕМЕ ХУНГ. Считается, что Будда говорил ОМ МАНИ ПАДМЕ ХУМ. Но для наc важна живая передача. #chenrezig #lovingeyes

About food ))

Lama Ole Nydahl in Europe Center #LamaOle #Buddhism #travel #ghompa #karmakagyu #diamondway

I miss you #скоровстретимся #sister


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