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Gourmet Translations

Schießhecke 5, Buschhoven, Germany



Gourmet Translations specialises in French, German and English translations for the hospitality and food & beverage industries.


Photos from Gourmet Translations's post

Starting the day as we mean to go on... Wine-tasting along the banks of the river Saar

Photos from Gourmet Translations's post

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Our offices will be open over the entire Easter break, apart from Easter Sunday. We wish everyone a happy Easter holiday with lots of chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs! Unser Büro wird während den gesamten Osterferien geöffnet sein, außer Ostersonntag. Wir wünschen allen Frohe Ostern, viele Schokoladenhasen und ein freudiges Eiersuchen!

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Team Event March 2017

Cooking at the Restaurant Vieux Sinzig

Team Event March 2017

Photos from Gourmet Translations's post

The Gourmet Translation team had a wonderful time cooking fabulous French food at the Vieux Sinzig restaurant. Chef Jean-Marie Dumaine took us foraging along the banks of the river Ahr, where we learned about a variety of native herbs and plants that add interesting and exotic flavours to the restaurant’s cuisine. After a short break, we got down to business and cooked our way to a wonderful 3-course meal. The word ‘delicious’ doesn’t begin to describe the explosion of flavours we were able to enjoy. Mercí Chef Dumaine and your wonderful team for a fantastic culinary experience. Restaurant Vieux Sinzig Das Team von Gourmet Translations hatte ein wundervolles Erlebnis beim Kochen von typisch französischen Gerichten im Restaurant Vieux Sinzig. Chef Jean-Marie Dumaine führte uns an das Ufer der Ahr, wo wir eine Vielzahl von heimischen Kräutern und Pflanzen kennenlernten, die seine Küche mit interessanten und exotischen Aromen bereichern. Nach einer kurzen Pause wurde es Ernst und wir erarbeiteten uns unser wunderbares 3-Gänge Menu. Das Wort „köstlich“ kann nicht ansatzweise beschreiben, welche Explosion von Aromen wir erlebt haben. Vielen Dank Chef Dumaine und Ihrem tollen Team für eine phantastische kulinarische Erfahrung. Restaurant Vieux Sinzig

Photos from Gourmet Translations's post

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We will be closed in the afternoon on Thursday, 30 March 2017 for a team building event. We will be back again on Friday, refreshed, well-bonded and ready to cope with your next challenge. Am Donnersteg, den 30.03.17 haben wir nachmittags aufgrund eines Team-Events geschlossen. Ab Freitag, den 31.03.17 sind wir frischgestärkt wieder für Sie da und freuen uns, mit vereinten Kräften Ihre nächsten Aufträge zu erfüllen.

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Cupcakes & Kisses

Autocorrect - love it or hate it?

Cupcakes & Kisses

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Happy Carnival! We're looking forward to an exciting weekend with costumes, parades and parties! Our office will be closed from Friday (24 February) to Monday (27 February). We'll be back in the office - full of energy - on Tuesday morning! *** *** *** Fröhliche Karnevalstage! Wir freuen uns auf ein tolles Wochenende mit Kostümen, Zügen und Parties! Deshalb ist unser Büro von Freitag, dem 24.02. bis Montag, den 27.02.17 geschlossen. Ab Dienstag vormittag, den 28.02.17 sind wir mit vollem Einsatz wieder für Sie da!

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Love is in the air… So, while the rest of the world is busy going all lovey-dovey and gooey-eyed, we thought we’d jump on the romantic bandwagon and say “we love you” to our customers by offering a 14% discount on all translation orders this week. The 14% discount applies to all orders confirmed between 14th and 18th February 2017. The offer does not apply to express translation deliveries and is not combinable with agency rates.

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Koffein im Tee: Werde ich heute Nacht schlafen?

Here's an interesting subject that often comes up in the office - because we do love our caffeine. This article lets you know which choice best suits your needs. There's a fine line between staying awake in the office and still being able to sleep at night. The article is also available in English (although we can't take credit for the translation).

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A little Friday humour.

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After surviving the festive season, what better way to start back in the office this year than translating a recipe book for home-made liqueurs? Our favourite: an exotic blend of mango, lime and ginger. We may just have to try it after work…for medicinal purposes, of course ;-)

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Happy New Year from Gourmet Translations! We have survived another Holiday Season filled with fabulous food, drink and merry making. Now that we're finished translating your delicious Christmas and New Year’s dishes, we’re ready to help you with your Valentine’s Day menus.

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