IBIS - Independent Bonn International School
IBIS - Independent Bonn Internationl School e.V.
Staatlich anerkannte Ersatzschule der Primarstufe
Facebook page with information, news and photos about the Independent Bonn International School in Heiderhof, Bonn-Bad Godesberg 2013-14 marked the 50th year of BEPS/IBIS. We celebrated by posting photos from the past and shared information about the celebrations.
Read what others have shared, browse the photos to see how the school has changed.
Whether you were here in the 1960s or visited just yesterday, we want to hear from you!
Independent Bonn International School (IBIS) e.V.
Staatlich anerkannte Ersatzschule der Primarstufe
Tulpenbaumweg 42
53177 Bonn
Tel: +49 (0) 228-323166
Fax: +49 (0) 228-323958
Email: ibis@ibis-school.com
Website: www.ibis-school.com
Tell your friends
facebook.comWieverfastelovend 2018
“ONE FOR ALL- ALL FOR ONE” The IBIS Musketeers!! "Einer für Alle - Alle für Einen" https://www.rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de/mein-blatt/blickpunkt-meckenheim/bad-godesberg/karnevalszug-in-schweinheim-2018-der-legendaere-veedelszoch-29612196 http://www.kamelle.de/narren-news/bad-godesberg/Lieber-Karneval-in-Schweinheim-als-Super-Bowl-article3766319.html
“ONE FOR ALL- ALL FOR ONE” The IBIS Musketeers!! "Einer für Alle - Alle für Einen" https://www.rheinische-anzeigenblaetter.de/mein-blatt/blickpunkt-meckenheim/bad-godesberg/karnevalszug-in-schweinheim-2018-der-legendaere-veedelszoch-29612196 http://www.kamelle.de/narren-news/bad-godesberg/Lieber-Karneval-in-Schweinheim-als-Super-Bowl-article3766319.html
Carnival Parade in Schweinheim For the second time, IBIS will be taking part in the carnival procession 2018 in Schweinheim. Meeting point is on Sunday, 4th February, at 13:00 in Schweinheim at the crossing Am Stadtwald/Axenfeldstrasse. In accordance with our motto “ONE FOR ALL- ALL FOR ONE”, the theme of the costumes is “The Three Musketeers”. When selecting a costume, please note that swords and weapons should stay at home. Thank you very much for all the generous donations this year! We wish you a great 5th Season and a loud “IBIS Alaaf!!!!!” Your IBIS Team www.schweinheim-wutzwutz.de
An international School of Friends
You are warmly invited to our Open Day where you can visit our Kindergarten to Year 7/8. See our pupils at work and play. You have the opportunity to tour the school and meet our pupils and staff. Discover what makes IBIS such a happy, successful and unique place of learning. Visitors will be guided to visit classes of their choice. Please register in advance to attend the Open Day by sending an email to ibis@ibis-school.com Application can be completed on this day. For more information, please contact the school office at (0228) 32 31 66 or visit our website: www.ibis-school.com Open Day / Tag der offenen Tür Friday, 2nd February 2018 / Freitag, 2. Februar 2018 9:30 – 11:30 Independent Bonn International School e.V. Tulpenbaumweg 42, 53177 Bonn, Tel. 0228-323166, ibis@ibis-school.com, www.ibis-school.com
Begrüßung des neuen Schulleiters Herr Philip Wharton
Philip Wharton ist neuer Rektor der Independent Bonn International School. http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/bonn/bad-godesberg/Neue-Unterrichtsformen-f%C3%BCr-die-IBIS-in-Bonn-article3742851.html
Apple Video Shooting at I.B.I.S. Everyone can Code - Swift Playgrounds auf dem iPad Jeder kann programmieren Technologie hat eine Sprache: Man nennt sie Code. http://www.apple.com/de/education/everyone-can-code/ Apple Teacher Das kostenlose Fortbildungsportal für Lehrkräfte. https://www.apple.com/de/education/apple-teacher/
IBIS Christmas Market 2017 Saturday, 2nd December 12.00 – 16.00 Experience the Magic of our traditional Christmas Market! Once a year, the IBIS Volunteer Parents bring the festive season forward and transform the school into a magical winter wonderland with our Christmas Market. The popular event caters to young and old alike, with lovingly decorated stalls offering international food and drinks as well as scarves & blankets, books, cushions and bags, jewelry, shoes, beauty products, paper & fabric crafts and much more!!!! The following stalls will be present at the IBIS Christmas Market this year: Sue Ferrow Knitted toys (3 Euros -25 Euros) Patricia Makenzie Jewellery Tanja Keuren Papercrafts - small gifts and cards as well as homemade Amarettinis. Anna Wells English Children's Books in Bonn My name is Anna Wells and I represent Usborne Publishing. Usborne Publishing is the leading UK independent children's book publishing company and they have over 2000 children's books for every age from baby to teenager. Usborne books are trusted by parents, teachers and education professionals everywhere for their impeccable quality, and are guaranteed to engage, educate and entertain children of all ages. You can connect with me and learn more about Usborne books on my Facebook group page English Children's Books in Bonn Insa Beneke Nona Shoes ist ein kleiner, aber feiner Kinderschuhladen im Herzen des Bad Godesberger Villenviertels. Geführt werden die Marken Clic, Pompom, mod8, froddo und living Kitzbühel. Alle Schuhe sind gut kombinierbar und ohne viel ChiChi. Im Vordergrund steht eine ausführliche Beratung und ein zufriedener Kunde. www.nonashoes.de Mary Kay Anja Kaessner www.marykay.de/anjakaessner Elke England & Heike Butsch Patchwork-Arbeiten: Decken, Kissenbezüge, Taschen. Kunterbunte und unifarbene Perlenketten für jeden Farbgeschmack und Schlüsselanhänger. AND MUCH MORE!!!!!
Dear Parents, Guests, Staff and Board Members, I would like to express my gratitude for the wonderful celebration that was held on Saturday. It was a memorable day and evening for me and I very much appreciate the special arrangements that obviously took a lot of thought, time and effort. A toast to the committee, Andrea Roncari, Joanna Post, Fatema Ansary Fria and Emmanuel Rasca, who organised the event and Nathalie Thelen for her excellent, kind presentation of my major occupation for the last 36 years. The expressions of thanks, well wishes for the future and many gifts from you are much appreciated and the mementoes will forever keep the school alive in Scotland. My legacy - the Bolik Hall- will keep my name alive here too. Finally I would like to thank all past and present parents for entrusting their children into my care. I will hold the many joyous memories in my heart and I wish all the children every success in the future. Yours sincerely, Irene Bolik Retiring Headteacher ************************************************************************************** PHOTOGRAPER LARS BERGENGRUEN www.bergengruen.net CATERING LEMANNs www.lehmanns-gastronomie.de EVENTSERVICE Eventservice 7gebirgszelte www.7gebirgszelte.de BAGPIPE MARTIN FISCHER