Best BMX online shop ever! shipping worldwide! kunstform?! was born on October 23 2003. Back then it was not a BMX shop but a wholesale trade. In the beginning Sebastian "Seppl" Pospischil started kunstform?! for the distribution of Artzone, FLATtv and Quamen.
In 2004 is the first offcial homepage. Back then kunstform?! is operated as a one-man show out of Seppls shared apartment. Two steel closets function as stock room and the desk is right next to his bed.
In the same year the first kunstform?! product is released, the kunstform?! "ooh-Rings" grip rings. The offer gets expanded to a direct sale and a small shop is included in the homepage.
In 2005 Seppl - still a solo fighter - takes a semester off from his economic studies at university to focus on his little business. The store gets bigger and bigger and so he starts a real online BMX shop which is launched as a Flatland-only shop on July 29 2005. This is the foundation for kunstform?! as a BMX shop and BMX mail order.
In 2006 kunstform?! has its first sales booth at the biggest German BMX event, the BMX Masters. Besides the organizational effort, the sales hassle and the scorching heat Seppl participates in the pro contest and finishes sensationally as 4th. Big shout outs go to Stephi, Roman and Wastl for their support during these stressful days!
2007 is characterized by many turbulences. Seppl starts a practical semester at his sponsor adidas and works there, writes his final for university and improves his BMX skills. Therefore kunstform?! moves to Daniel Fuhrmann and his roommate Simon who operate the business out of their apartment.
In the second half of 2007 Raiko out of Karlsruhe takes over the business and manages all orders of the BMX shop. Thanks goes out to these three guys during these rather chaotic months! By the end of 2007 the BMX shop moves back home. The Heilbronner Strasse in downtown Stuttgart becomes the company headquarters, mostly as a stock room and office.
2008 has been so far the most important year in the history of kunstform?!. Flo Sailer, who joined the company in 2007 and started BMX riding with Seppl back in Munich becomes the first full time staff member. Soon the office and stock room get way to small for the products so the rooms get expanded and as a pre-stage to the actual storefront a showroom is established.
By the middle of 2008 Daniel Fuhrmann, who has been always involved within the company becomes the admin in order to achieve Seppls ambitious goal to create the best online BMX shop in the scene! At the same time Flo and Daniel work on kunstforms?! first offline BMX Shop, which is opened on November 17 2008.
2009 is going to be an exciting year. The flagship store receives great support from the scene and so we decided to put the whole line of goods online. As a novelty we included an option that enables you to filter our stuff by BMX Street, BMX Flatland as well as Fashion.
2010 was primarily characterized by strenghtening our internal processes. In retrospect we can say that all the stress was worth it and everything will be fine. The year came to an even better end. With the relocation of our office, we have fulfilled a long cherished dream. Work ing and riding BMX Flatland in a 90 square meters office, covered with a nice OSB contest floor.
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@kunstformbmxshop team wish u merry xmas! ❤️❤️ thx for all ur support 🙌🏾🙌🏾 #kunstform #merryxmas #bmx #stayreal #onelove #ridebmx
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new @odysseybmx lighthouse rim available at #bmx #odyssey #rim #lighthouse #bmxshop #kunstform
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@kunstformbmxshop opening times during xmas & new year period! Please note! Our BMX Shop in Stuttgart is closed Sa. 24th and Sa. 31th! We wish everyone a good xmas time! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥 #xmas #kunstform #bmxshop #kunstformbmx #xmastime #bmxmas
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new @odysseybmx TL48 stem just arrived! Topload, 48mm reach, a lot of clean cutouts and smooth solid style! Get it now at #odyssey #bmx #tl48 #stem #kunstform #bmxshop #clean #xmas
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new @wethepeoplebmx hilt grips arrived! Get them now at #wethepeople #bmx #hilt #grips #bmxshop
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Still looking for a xmas present? Get @kunstformbmxshop voucher codes today at #xmas #voucher #1million #kunstform #bmx #bmxgift
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our bro @migubmx got a fresh new upgrade with @totalbmx sandstorm BMX frame and @demolitionparts! Looking forward to see it in action! 🔥 #migubmx #miguelfranzem #totalbmx #total #bmx #bmxshop #kunstform #xmas #bikeoftheday
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tag team power! 🤘🏽 @thomaswidmer & @mariusb_eazy got the new @cultcrew @seanricany frame! #bmx #thomaswidmer #marius #kunstform #bmxshop #cultcrew #ridetogether
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@kunstformbmxshop opening times during xmas & new year period! Please note! Our BMX Shop in Stuttgart is closed Sa. 24th and Sa. 31th! We wish everyone a good xmas time! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥 #xmas #kunstform #bmxshop #kunstformbmx #xmastime #bmxmas
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@sundaybikes street sweeper tyres in black, purple/black and new green/black back in stock! Get them at #sundaybikes #jakeseeley #streetsweeper #bmxtire #green #new
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Der schöne @svenavemaria #xmasparty #friedrichsbauvariete #bishinterdenhorizont
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today @kunstformbmxshop xmas party #friedrichsbauvariete watchin @marinabutterfly ❤ #bmx #variete #marinabutterfly #xmasparty #bmxshop #kunstform
New pegs from #sundaybmx 😊👌@kunstformbmxshop

@kunstformbmxshop team wish u merry xmas! ❤️❤️ thx for all ur support 🙌🏾🙌🏾 #kunstform #merryxmas #bmx #stayreal #onelove #ridebmx

new @odysseybmx lighthouse rim available at #bmx #odyssey #rim #lighthouse #bmxshop #kunstform

@kunstformbmxshop opening times during xmas & new year period! Please note! Our BMX Shop in Stuttgart is closed Sa. 24th and Sa. 31th! We wish everyone a good xmas time! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥 #xmas #kunstform #bmxshop #kunstformbmx #xmastime #bmxmas

new @odysseybmx TL48 stem just arrived! Topload, 48mm reach, a lot of clean cutouts and smooth solid style! Get it now at #odyssey #bmx #tl48 #stem #kunstform #bmxshop #clean #xmas

new @wethepeoplebmx hilt grips arrived! Get them now at #wethepeople #bmx #hilt #grips #bmxshop

Still looking for a xmas present? Get @kunstformbmxshop voucher codes today at #xmas #voucher #1million #kunstform #bmx #bmxgift

Subrosa Streetrail in da Hood! Big thanks @kunstformbmxshop #kunstformunboxing #kunstform #kunstformbmx #kunstformbmxshop #kunstformbmxshopandmailorder #thewinterhasbegon #subrosastreetrail #streetrail WE SEE US IN THE NEXT YEAR 🍻✌🏼️👋🏼👊🏼

our bro @migubmx got a fresh new upgrade with @totalbmx sandstorm BMX frame and @demolitionparts! Looking forward to see it in action! 🔥 #migubmx #miguelfranzem #totalbmx #total #bmx #bmxshop #kunstform #xmas #bikeoftheday

tag team power! 🤘🏽 @thomaswidmer & @mariusb_eazy got the new @cultcrew @seanricany frame! #bmx #thomaswidmer #marius #kunstform #bmxshop #cultcrew #ridetogether

@kunstformbmxshop opening times during xmas & new year period! Please note! Our BMX Shop in Stuttgart is closed Sa. 24th and Sa. 31th! We wish everyone a good xmas time! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥 #xmas #kunstform #bmxshop #kunstformbmx #xmastime #bmxmas

@sundaybikes street sweeper tyres in black, purple/black and new green/black back in stock! Get them at #sundaybikes #jakeseeley #streetsweeper #bmxtire #green #new
