Attestor Forensics
Attestor Forensics
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Thank you to all visitors of our exhibition stand at AAFS 69th Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana 2017.
Photos from Attestor Forensics's post
We would like to thank all visitors of our exhibition stand at The IAI’s 101st International Forensic Educational Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Workshop at Ethemba Forensic Group in South Africa
During a workshop with experts from South African Police, we seamlessly integrated a Foster + Freeman Crime-lite Imager evidence photography system with our PHOTOvent downdraft workstation. Special thanks to Foster + Freeman and to Ethemba Forensic Group.
Photos from Attestor Forensics's post
GfS Conference 2016, Lepizig. Set up and ready to rumble!
LABview Vorstellung GPEC 2016
Wir bedanken uns bei allen Besuchern unseres Messestandes auf der GPEC 2016 in Leipzig. Herzlichen Dank für das positive Feedback zur Neuvorstellung der Laborvariante des SCENEview, die vermutlich den Produktnamen LABview erhalten wird. Die wertvollen Anregungen wird unsere Entwicklungsabteilung schnellstmöglich in das Produkt einfließen lassen. Im Anhang ein kleines Vorstellungsvideo zu LABview. Weitere Info unter English version comming up soon.
We want to thank all visitors of our booth at GPEC 2016 in Leipzig for seeing us. We also say thank you for the valuable feedback you gave on the laboratory version of our SCENEview, which will most likely receive the name LABview. Our R&D is already working on the implementation of your feedback. Please find here a short introduction video we did at GPEC. More info can be found at
Photos from Attestor Forensics's post
Attestor Foensics in Bilderbuch-Winterwetter - die Temperaturen eignen sich allerdings eher für's Genießen von drinnen. Attestor Forensics in picture postcard winter weather – the temperatures though warmly recommend to enjoy the scenery from inside.