Speedsignal interfaces
specialists for car retrofits especially CAN-Bus interfaces speedsignal specializes in CAN Bus systems, gaining of data from CAN bus systems, retrofit of Car Hifi, navigation systems, steering wheel remote controls and telematic systems
If you've got any special need regarding CAN Bus communication in a vehicle - just ask - we're sure we can support you.
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facebook.comBonne journée from Milipol in Paris. We would like to thank Federal Signal Vama, Rauwers and Sirac for the invitation to be a part of their exhibition stand. #milipol2017 #speedsignal #ravenbluelight
Do you know our V-Booster? When starting the motor, many vehicles suffer from collapsing on-board voltage, or even intentional deactivation of the ignition signal. You will notice this especially in the cold winter months. You can find our solution at the speedsignal online-store: http://shop.speedsignal.de/en/products/for-Car-Hifi/V-Booster/V-Booster.html?products_id=1434 #speedsignal #vbooster #carhifi
nasty weather... gale-force winds... staying at home and laze around? - No way - We are pretty busy making some cool sequences for a special film 📽️🎬! We wish you a relaxing sunday. #speedsignal #ravenbluelight #automotiveelectronics
Do you know our steering wheel interfaces for trucks? - DAF XF - Mercedes Atego - Mercedes Actros MP4 - NEW: also for the MP2! - MAN - Scania - Volvo Truck At our online store you can find our large selection of steering wheel interfaces: http://shop.speedsignal.de/en/products/for-Car-Hifi/Lenkradfernbedienungsadapter-726/?cat=c726&cPath=617_7_726
waiting for the sound check. speedsignal goes ECHELON - Open Air Festival
Proud of being part of the project! Congratz to GLADEN!
"Dobrý den" from the IDET (international fair for defense and security technology and special information systems). We are available on the booth of HOLOMY s.r.o, our new distributor for CZ and Slovakia.
10. Mai 2017 - RETTmobil starts again! We are pleased to be a part of it. At stand B1902 you can examine our new products. #RETTmobil2017 #ravenbluelight #speedsignal
Do you know our steering wheel interface for Opel Corsa D already? It also has the Pre15 function as extra feature! For more information you can have a look at our online store: http://shop.speedsignal.de/en/vehicles/Opel/Corsa-Type-D--2006--/swrc-interface-opel-corsa-d.html
Are you familiar with the Pre15 feature? From now on many of our steering wheel interfaces offer the Pre15 functionality. By pressing a steering wheel button you can toggle between standard ignition and pre-ignition. With Pre15 you can start your radio already by opening your car and in case you are not activating your ignition within 30 minutes the radio will shut down to prevent a discharge of your battery.
A technical solution, which can save lives: Last week in Heilbronn an ambulance was robbed in driver´s cabe while the emergency personnel where reanimating a women. We are very sad to hear that something like this happens regularly in our country. With regard to the social development such incidents are only worrying! We already developed a solution to this problem for some clients, our RunLock system. It makes it possible to let the engine run while removing the key and lock the doors from outside so that incidents like in Heilbronn can be prevented. If you would like to have any more details or information: Phone: +49 8061 495180 E-Mail: info@speedsignal.de
This year we achieved an Award in the category „best product-product quality“ at the Car Media Convention in Fulda 2017. We are very grateful for all our clients who appreciate our products! #speedsignal #bestecustomers #automotiveelectronics #bestproduct #CMCFulda2017