MykoTroph - Healing with Mushrooms
Welcome to MykoTroph, the Institute for Nutritional Medicine and Mycotherapy located in Limeshain, Germany.
The MykoTroph philosophy
Helping as vocation
We at MykoTroph want to support humans and animals to become healthy and stay healthy. To achieve this goal, we are continuing a more than 4000 year old tradition - healing with fungi. It is our mission to help people and animals feel at ease in their bodies: to experience a vigorous life full of energy and zest for life!
Knowledge for the world
Direct contact with people is very important to us: locally in lectures and seminars and by phone and e-mail. We are convinced of the beneficial effect of medicinal mushrooms. We would like to contribute to the world our extensive knowledge, our research results and experiences. We want to show as many people as possible how one can regain and maintain health with medicinal mushrooms. To this end, we offer our consolidated knowledge in training, conferences, webinars, online courses and a variety of free information materials.
Serving life
In mycotherapy we see and treat people and animals in their wholeness of body, mind and soul. Our approach is based on the application of medicinal mushrooms according to the philosophy of total materiality, i.e. using the whole mushroom with all its valuable ingredients. At least as equally important to us is the quality: we prefer mushrooms grown and carefully processed in Germany and certified according to organic standards. Our treatment approach is always directed at identifying and removing the causes of disease. Therapeutically and preventively.
MykoTroph wants to serve humans and animals – to serve life. Our passion burns for this mission.
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facebook.comHoliday season – Escape from stress A medicinal mushroom diet brings back the inner balance Whether on the beach, in the mountains, in countries far away from home on the traces of foreign cultures or just on the balcony: Holiday season is the most beautiful time of the year. Now, it is possible to leave all the stress behind and finally once again let your mind go. But the daily routine of more and more people looks completely different. It is characterized by permanent rush, double burden of parenting and career, time pressure and increasing workload. No wonder that many people feel stressed. Therefore it is good to know that a natural remedy like a medicinal mushroom diet is a valuable support for the escape from the stress trap. For a lasting effect, the perfect time to start is the quiet holiday season. Permanent stress can make us sick First of all, short-time stress is nothing negative. But if stress is a permanent companion, our well-being is heavily disturbed. Nervousness, sleeping problems, concentration difficulties or headaches are the consequences. If we are trapped by stress for a while, serious health damages will be risked. Stress can lead to hypertension, gastro-intestinal diseases (heartburn, gastritis), migraine, burnout syndrome and depressions. Helpful medicinal mushrooms There a simple tools to regain your inner peace and calm. Physical activities in the fresh air, regular time-outs and relaxation techniques like yoga or autogenic training can help to recharge your batteries. Medicinal mushrooms are even a more targeted way to counteract the dangerous consequences from permanent stress. This is proven by numerous experiences from naturopathy and long-time observational studies from MykoTroph – Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms. Basic treatment for a relaxed life Medicinal mushrooms belong to the oldest and most effective natural medications in the world. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), medicinal mushrooms have been successfully applied in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. A diet with Cordyceps, Hericium and Reishi has proven effective against stress if taken for at least three months. Cordyceps can unfold its calming, relaxing and mind-brightening effect. This medicinal mushroom can alleviate and relieve anxiety and states of tension. Moreover, it regulates the adrenal hormones, so that the stressed organism is strengthened. Reishi and Hericium provide inner peace and balanced emotions. Additionally, Reishi improves the oxygen intake which is extremely favorable for the heart function and the blood pressure. Hericium strengthens the nervous system whereby it contributes to improved sleep and increased concentration. This medicinal mushroom is also a support when stress-related gastro-intestinal problems are indicated. Note Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. MykoTroph Institute advises to take great care in the selection. The so-called "mushroom powder made from the whole mushroom" has proven its effectiveness. Only here are all the active ingredients of the medicinal and vitality mushrooms contained. Another quality feature is the cultivation of mushrooms in Germany in organic quality. Please consult your therapist. Further information on Mycotherapy can be found on or via +49 6047 988530 About MykoTroph The MykoTroph AG, Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms based in Limeshain was founded in 2003 by Franz Schmaus. Over the last 30 years, the agricultural engineer has gathered extensive knowledge about the effects and use of medicinal mushrooms and is one of the most renowned experts in this field. MykoTroph Institute aims to spread the knowledge of the mushrooms’ preventative and healing effects and make it accessible to a wide public. Further information and studies can be found on the institute’s website Additionally, Franz Schmaus and his team, consisting of mycotherapists and naturopaths, are available for extensive advice from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. CET via the hotline +0049 (0) 6047-98 85 30. People who are interested can also arrange a personal consultation at the institute via that number. Telephone consultations are free of charge. Comprehensive information on medicinal mushrooms can also be requested for free at MykoTroph Institute.
Healing mushroom Hericium Hericium plays a significant role in strengthening the gastrointestinal mucosa, which acts as a protective barrier against environmental toxins. This also makes it more difficult for allergy-causing food components to pass through the intestinal walls, which is important especially for counteracting food intolerances, all kinds ofallergies, skin conditions such as neurodermatitis and immune system weakness. More information:
Healthy and sustainable weight loss The natural power of medicinal mushrooms helps to reach a lasting optimal weight. Paleo-diet, low-fat, low-carb and so on. Diets are like ten a penny. Diets boom, especially during summer. They can usually help if it's just a matter of some fat pads here and there. Provided you give the body enough time to lose weight. Today, many people just don’t carry around some kilos too much, they carry so much that their kilos are a burden for the health. The good news is: Experts agree. The best diet is a basic change to healthy, nutritious and natural diet along with a regular exercise program. Then, the body loses weight, especially fat, gradually. Medicinal mushrooms – also called vitality mushrooms – can help us effectively through specific ingredients. They can help to reach our individual optimal weight and to keep it. This is shown by long-term observational studies from MykoTroph – Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms and also by experiences from naturopathy. More than half of all adults in Europe are overweight. Nearly every sixth person is obese. The British are over average with 22% persons who are obese*. This is alarming because overweight is a health risk. It can cause hypertension, diabetes type 2, lipometabolic disorder, gout, thrombosis, cancer or heart attacks. The decision to reduce weight is particularly a decision for a better health. * Eurostat, European Health Interview Survey, October/2016 Medicinal and vital mushrooms have proved themselves as ideal nutrient suppliers on the way to a healthy weight. They hardly contain calories, but they are very rich in vitamins, enzymes, ergosterol, magnesium, potassium, calcium, proteins, fibres and unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, medicinal mushrooms contribute to the excretion of toxins which are released in the weight-loss process. This is important to avoid the feared yo-yo effect. Maitake is the allrounder when it comes to support weight-loss. It improves the digestion of fat and is able to lower triglycerides. Medicinal mushroom Cordyceps supports renal activity due to that it has a vitalizing effect which has positive effects on calorie consumption. People with fat concentration in the abdomen - the so-called apple types - also profit from the consumption of the Coprinus comatus. This medicinal mushroom contains vanadium which is insulin-like and thus relieves the pancreas. Moreover, its bioactive polysaccharides can lower the blood sugar. This makes Coprinus very precious for overweight diabetics and people with diabetic inclination. The use of Nopal juice (Prickly pear juice) has been proven useful for apple-type people. It has a reducing effect on the glycemic index of food, so the carbohydrates contained in the food are released more slowly. “Pear-types“– here the fat is distributed predominantly to the buttocks and thighs – are well advised with the medicinal mushrooms Hericium and Reishi. They promote the purification, as well as the regeneration and detoxification performance of the liver. In addition, the Polyporus is recommended for the pear type. This medicinal mushroom relieves the lymph system and promotes the detoxification in combination with the Cordyceps. Moreover, it contains many enzymes that boost fatburning. Important note Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. MykoTroph Institute advises to take great care in the selection. The so-called "mushroom powder made from the whole mushroom" has proven its effectiveness. Only here are all the active ingredients of the medicinal and vitality mushrooms contained. Another quality feature is the cultivation of mushrooms in Germany in organic quality. Please consult your therapist. Further information on Mycotherapy can be found on or via +49 6047 988530 Pictures: clipdealer MykoTroph
Vital and full of energy instead of tired and exhausted With the natural power of medicinal mushrooms, you can fill up your energy tank Finally spring is here! Milder temperatures, longer days and the awakening nature lure to a more active lifestyle. Unfortunately, many of us feel tired and dull during that time of the year. The reason is the spring tiredness. This phenomenon often passes by itself. However, more and more people are suffering from recurrent or even chronic exertion, lack of strength and exhaustion. The reasons for this are obvious: the modern performance society places ever higher demands on us. And that in every age. The good news is: The treatment with medicinal mushrooms, one of the most traditional and proven methods of natural healing, can improve our overall performance and vitality effectively and sustainably. Strength and power from a pharmacy called nature Medicinal mushrooms – also called vitality or medically active mushrooms – are extensively rich in precious vital substances. For example, medicinal mushroom Cordyceps is really powerful. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is regarded as the mushroom of strength, vital energy, endurance, and willpower. Studies have its regulating effect on the immune system and the hormonal balance. It also counteracts stress symptoms and has a balancing effect on the psyche. With its positive effects on the respiratory organs and the heart it also increases the general physical endurance. Therefore, this medicinal mushroom also promotes performance during sports and ensures a faster regeneration. The Cordyceps also made a name for itself as a natural aphrodisiac. Effective purification and detoxification Medicinal mushrooms vitalize and support the detoxification. Thus, Reishi acts as a blood purifier and promotes the excretion of fat-soluble toxins. Medicinal mushroom Hericium stimulates the detoxification via the digestive tract and medicinal mushroom Cordyceps stimulates the excretion of water-soluble toxins via the kidneys. Medicinal mushroom Polyporus is also very beneficial. It supports the lymph system so that the release of toxins from the tissues is initiated. A positive side effect: the skin gets cleaner. Recommended: 3-months cure with medicinal mushrooms A cure with medicinal mushrooms over a period of at least three months for general strengthening, for antiaging and for cleansing has proven itself. This is demonstrated not only by the experience of naturopathic practice but also by long-term application studies of the MykoTroph Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms. Note Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. MykoTroph Institute advises to take great care in the selection. The so-called "mushroom powder made from the whole mushroom" has proven its effectiveness. Only here are all the active ingredients of the healing and vital mushrooms contained. Another quality feature is the cultivation of mushrooms in Germany in organic quality. Please consult your therapist. Further information on Mycotherapy can be found on or via +49 6047 988530
As one of Europe’s leading institutes for Mycotherapy, MykoTroph educates naturopaths, alternative practitioners and doctors to become mycotherapists. All in all, over 6.000 therapists took up this exclusive offer. MykoTroph online trainings are an optimal complement to the skill sets of practitioners and therapists. MykoTroph online trainings are intensive and cover all important aspects of Mycotherapy. The online course takes place on two days, four hours on each. Therapists will be extensively trained in Mycotherapy including the various possible applications and the effects of Asian medicinal mushrooms e.g. Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Auricularia, Cordyceps, Coriolus and Polyporus. The advantage of online trainings as a mycotherapist is that therapists and their patients can highly benefit with little personal effort. After finishing the online training therapists can immediately start with the treatment of their patients. For further information please visit us on
Free Webinar - Application of Medicinal Mushrooms More and more therapists trust in the effects of medicinal mushrooms. Dr. Dorothee Boes will explain to you how medicinal mushrooms can be successfully used in the prevention and therapy of diseases. Further information can be found on Register right here
Free Webinar - Application of Medicinal Mushrooms More and more therapists trust in the effects of medicinal mushrooms. Dr. Dorothee Boes will explain to you how medicinal mushrooms can be successfully used in the prevention and therapy of diseases. Further information can be found on Register right here
Bye Bye Hay Fever The natural power of medicinal mushrooms can help allergy sufferers. Watery and itchy eyes, a runny nose and sneezing attacks: With the beginning of the pollination, the annual hay fever season starts. This marks the beginning of a suffering period for more and more people. In the UK alone, about 10 million people suffer from pollen allergies. Hay fever is the most frequent form of allergies and causes severe complaints. The complaints are often so heavy that sufferers experience a massive decrease in their quality of life. The good news is: The treatment of allergies with medicinal mushrooms is a natural and – as experienced in naturopathy – effective therapy. The cause is a faulty regulation of the immune system As with all other allergies, the cause of pollen allergies is a overreacting immune system. Our body’s defense reacts to completely harmless substances and fights them as if they were dangerous pathogens. When it comes to pollen allergies, it is all about the pollen or more specifically the contained proteins. If the conjunctiva or respiratory mucous membranes of the affected persons come into contact with the pollen, then a cascade of allergic reactions starts. Connected with it, is a heavy release of histamine. If mucous membranes of the eyes and the respiratory membranes come into contact with pollen, the immune system literally reacts allergic through an increased release of histamine. Watery eyes, itchy throat and nose, swollen mucous membranes, a congested or a runny nose or even bronchial asthma are the consequences. Also, headache, sensitivity to light, exhaustion and insomnia can occur. What can be done? It is often advised to avoid pollen. But it is nearly impossible to completely dodge pollen. Conventional therapies and medications often only aim at the symptoms. Alternatives are holistic therapies which aim at the causes of allergies. For example, medicinal mushrooms are an alternative. Medicinal mushroom powder capsules obtained from the whole mushroom have proven effective to ease the symptoms. Moreover, observational studies of the MykoTroph Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms have shown that medicinal mushrooms can counteract the recurrence of pollen allergies in the medium-term. Medicinal mushrooms belong to the oldest and most effective natural remedies in the world. They have been successfully used for centuries in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) against many complaints and diseases. They have particularly proven effective against allergies. Medicinal mushrooms can rebalance the excessive immune system. When it comes to the treatment of pollen allergy or other allergies, medicinal mushroom Reishi is very important. Reishi regulates the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves the oxygen supply and reduces the histamine release - which is responsible for many allergy symptoms – through its cortisone-like acting triterpenes. This is a great relief for pollen allergy sufferers because histamine is responsible for many allergic symptoms. Medicinal mushrooms Hericium and Pleurotus have also proven to be effective. They contribute to the stabilization of the intestinal mucosa and support the structure of the mucous membranes. This is especially important for pollen allergy sufferers because a healthy intestinal mucosa is a decisive factor for a balanced and powerful immune system. Hericium can also have regenerative effects on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. If the pollen allergy goes hand in hand with exhaustion and depression, medicinal mushroom Cordyceps proves helpful due to its soothing and mood-improving effects. Furthermore, Cordyceps is considered as lung-strengthening tonic which makes it very helpful against allergic asthma. Medicinal mushroom Polyporus is helpful against allergic rhinitis and excessive fluids or mucus. Important note Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. MykoTroph Institute advises to take great care in the selection. The so-called "mushroom powder made from the whole mushroom" has proven its effectiveness. Only here are all the active ingredients of the healing and vital mushrooms contained. Another quality feature is the cultivation of mushrooms in Germany in organic quality. Please consult your therapist. Further information on Mycotherapy can be found on or via +49 6047 988530
Effective naturopathy, Medicinal mushrooms make a valuable contribution to the holistic cancer therapy Limeshain, February 2017*** With this year’s World Cancer Day on Februar4th coming, the world takes a look at the current developments. The statistics on new diseases are still depressing. In the United Kingdom alone, 356.860 people were affected by cancer in 2014 according to The absolute number of new cases of cancer has almost doubled up since the 1970’s. Experts are sure that the number of affected people will further increase. For the year 2020 it is estimated that nearly the half of the British population has suffered from cancer once in their life. Effective in the prevention and therapy Therefore, it is good to know that naturopathy can offer a lot of effective therapies to the holistic treatment of cancer. For example, medicinal mushrooms have proven effective and valuable in cancer prevention and as well as a support of the holistic cancer treatment. . This could be shown by long-time observational studies in naturopathy, for example by MykoTroph - Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms. Healing with mushrooms has its origins in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and belongs to the classic methods of naturopathy. Its effectiveness is proven by experiences from naturopathy and international research studies. Medicinal mushrooms help the body Medicinal mushrooms also called vitality mushrooms or medically active mushrooms are rich in valuable vital substances and antioxidants. Moreover, they contain a high amount of triterpenes and polysaccharides. These ingredients have a regulating and strengthening effect on the immune system. Especially, the polysaccharides and beta-glucans are important. These substances stimulate the natural killer cells, T-helper cells and phagocytes. That’s why medicinal mushrooms can help to recognize degenerated cells and fight them. Some mushrooms are awarded to have tumour inhibiting properties. In Japan, it is common to use medications which contain particular substances from medicinal substances: Lentinan, a beta-glucan contained in medicinal mushroom Shiitake has been successfully used for years in oncology. Further important medically active mushrooms in naturopathic cancer therapy are Reishi and Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM). Improvement of life quality Cancer therapy is in general very stressful and exhausting for the affected persons. Besides the treatment of the disease, medicinal mushrooms can be very helpful to soothe the side effects of chemotherapy. During a chemotherapy aggressive cytotoxins get into the organism. The detoxifying properties of medicinal mushrooms can make the use a very good support for the therapy. If administered side effects like vomiting, lack of appetite, exhaustion and depression can be reduced. This can be led back to their high content of glyconutrients. Pain can also be alleviated by their use. For example by the medicinal mushroom Reishi, which is also called "mushroom of eternal life" in East Asia. For all these reasons, medicinal mushrooms can contribute to a considerable improvement in the overall condition and the quality of life of those affected, parallel to the school medicine therapy. Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. MykoTroph Institute advises to take great care in the selection. The so-called "mushroom powder made from the whole mushroom" has proven its effectiveness. Only here are all the active ingredients of the healing and vital mushrooms contained. Another quality feature is the cultivation of mushrooms in Germany in organic quality. Please consult your therapist. Further information on Mycotherapy can be found on or via +49 6047 988530
Effective and natural detoxification Effective purification and detoxification with the power of medicinal mushrooms Who doesn’t know that? In the first months of the year, many of us complain about tiredness and a lack of vitality. This is no surprise because our metabolism slows down during the cold season. It works slowly and sluggish. There is also our unbalanced lifestyle during winter. As a result, our body is overloaded with pollutants and toxins. It is about time for an intensive detoxification. Medicinal mushrooms – also known as vitality mushrooms or medically active mushrooms– have proven effective. With their help, the organism gets cleaned naturally from waste products and toxins little by little. This is shown by observational studies of MykoTroph – Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms and experiences from naturopathy. Waste products – What does that exactly means? Environmental toxins but also our modern-day lifestyle with the frequent consumption of meat, coffee, sweet and fat-rich food favour the occurrence of waste products. Even some medications settle as metabolites in the connective tissue. With the help of minerals and trace elements our body tries to reduce toxins. That process results in the formation of salts, which basically are waste products. The production of waste products always means the reduction of the body’s own resources of minerals. This can lead, among other things, to tiredness, exhaustion, lethargy and apathy. The goal of a detoxification and purification diet is to help the body to get rid of the toxins in an effective way. Medicinal mushrooms vitalize and purify completely naturally Medically active mushrooms are rich in vital substances by nature. They contain a remarkable amount of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibres, polysaccharides and trace elements. Those are needed by our body to feel good. Furthermore, vitality mushrooms contain all the eight essential amino acids which can’t be produced by the human body. All these contained substances contribute heavily to the improvement of our vitality. Moreover, medicinal mushrooms have a lot of advantages when it comes to purification. They contain all enzymes which are needed for the drainage and discharge of waste products. This is unique in nature. That makes them the perfect companion for a detoxification. Targeted support for the excretory organs In general, all medicinal mushrooms take a detoxifying effect in the organism. Particular mushrooms are able to specifically support our excretory organs during detoxification. Medicinal mushroom Reishi has a special connection to the liver. It strengthens and regenerates our biggest metabolic and excretory organ. Additionally, it has blood-purifying effects and promotes the excretion of fat-soluble toxins. Medicinal mushroom Hericium protects and regenerates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Thereby, it promotes the detoxification via the gastrointestinal tract and helps that less toxins enter the bloodstream. Vitality mushroom Cordyceps can support the excretion of water-soluble toxins via the kidneys. Medicinal mushroom Polyporus is also very beneficial. It has diuretic effects and particularly supports the lymphatic system so that the excretion of toxins from the connective tissue will be stimulated. Medicinal mushrooms are available as mushroom powder capsules. MykoTroph Institute recommends choosing wisely. Especially mushroom powder derived from the whole mushroom has proven effective. Only if the mushroom powder is derived from the whole mushroom, the powder will contain all of the effective ingredients of medicinal mushrooms. It should also be taken care that the mushrooms are from certified organic production. For further information, please visit us on
World Diabetes Day: Diabetes Type II Is a Disease of Affluence Medicinal Mushrooms Have Proven to Be Effective in the Prevention and Therapy. In earlier times, diabetes type II was perceived as an old-age disease. Today, diabetes type II is viewed as a disease of affluence. By now, this metabolic disorder has developed into a widespread disease which does not only affect older people anymore. According to recent data of the International Diabetes Federation, a total of 382 million people between 20 and 79 years suffer from diabetes – with rising tendency. But there are good news: Natural remedies like medicinal mushrooms also called vitality mushrooms haven proven helpful in prevention, and as a support in the therapy, of diabetes type 2. Alarming Figures In the United States alone, nearly 30 million people or 9% of the population are affected by diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. The vast majority suffers from diabetes type 2 and metabolic syndrome. Responsible for the development of the disease are the small sins of our modern lifestyle including inactivity, unbalanced diet and obesity. Especially treacherous is that diabetes type 2 with metabolic syndrome develops slow, unobtrusive and often in combination with hypertension and increased values of triglycerides. If those parameters are overlooked, the disease is often discovered not until it is in an advanced stage. Medicinal Mushrooms Are Helpers from Mother Nature Natural remedies like medicinal mushrooms also called vitality mushrooms haven proven helpful in prevention and as a support in the therapy, of diabetes type 2. This could be shown by long-time observational studies in naturopathy, for example by MykoTroph - Institute for Medicinal Mushrooms. Medicinal mushroom Coprinus has regenerating effects on the pancreas; it also helps the sensitization of the receptors responsible for the absorption of insulin and claims to have a blood sugar lowering effect. Medicinal mushroom Maitake has positive effects on the fat metabolism and the sensitivity of insulin receptors. Diabetes type 2 is often linked to circulation problems, vascular diseases and hypertension. Therefore, regular monitoring of the blood pressure, blood lipids, triglycerides and body weight is highly important. The intake of Maitake can help ‒ even in a preliminary stage ‒ to get a grip on these determining factors. Doubled Forces: The Combination of Medicinal Mushrooms and Nopal Within the scope of a holistic therapy of diabetes type 2 with metabolic syndrome, the combined intake of medicinal mushrooms and Nopal juice (prickly pear) can be very reasonable. Nopal juice has a lowering effect on the glycemic index of ingested food. The consequence is a slower release of carbohydrates in the intestines and is therefore favorable for a healthy level of blood sugar. A Balanced Diet and Physical Activities Both, in the prevention and the therapy of diabetes type 2, adjustments of unhealthy lifestyles are of huge significance. Regular activity and endurance sports, e. g. swimming, cycling or walking can reduce weight and the blood sugar level. Fundamental changes of nutrition are recommended by experts. Sweets and fast food should be banned from the menu, in favor of a diet which is rich in vitamins and vital substances. Perfectly suitable is food which contains a lot of dietary fibers and carbohydrates, for example mushrooms and vegetables. This can help to prevent a rapid increase of blood sugar. Medicinal mushrooms are a good supplement to a well-balanced low-carb diet and diverse physical activities.
