Our mission is to publish the highest quality books and give a voice to the voiceless. We seek to shine a light on the stories that don’t get told. Back in the heady, alcohol-fueled days of London, (2001, to be precise), one of my best buds on the party circuit was a guy named Bruce. We went out and got royally smashed at every available opportunity. The chances of randomly finding him on my sofa the next day were pretty high. We lived fast and worked hard. Then he flew back to South Africa. We stayed in touch over the years but mostly talked nostalgia. Over the past two years though, I discovered that our paths after London were incredibly similar. He had issues with alcohol and was also reborn in Christ. We talked more and more and, having studied IT on his return to South Africa, he came on board as my website manager with his brilliant company, Social-IT-e Media. As you can see, their work is pretty awesome. Last year, he traveled to the States with his church and spoke to a guy looking to get a book printed and maybe even have me ghostwrite it. We discussed the possibility but set nothing in stone, in fact, it almost got put aside completely until some bad news gave us an opportunity we could not ignore.
My publishing deal fell through over Christmas and I posted an update here (they have legally voided the contract by not fulfilling it). I was devastated but know how the Lord works in my life. He lands a road block in front of me, I freak out, then get it together and eventually see that it was all part of the grander plan. So, where am I going with this? Bruce and I are launching our own publishing company this year. We have already registered our name and been issued our ISBN (International Standard Book Number) batch for our future authors. So it is with great pleasure I am officially announcing the launch of Porch Lantern Books. Our mission is to publish the highest quality books and give a voice to the voiceless. We seek to shine a light on the stories that don’t get told. The Second Lap will be the first publication and having just gone through it for the last time, I am confident it is better than it has ever been. It is leaner, more emotional, and packs everything a great book should have. Our aim is to be ready for Autumn of this year. I always ask for patience in everything I do and this process has been especially revealing of my path in life. I have realised that to produce a great work, one must face difficulties and overcome them. The future of my writing is now full of promise. I will be in the unique position of having total creative control over all my work. I am especially thankful for all the support I have had from friends during this time of flux. Here’s to a literary 2014.
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