Communication for Integration
Joint Action of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, C4i targets prejudices to provide answers to common misconceptions about diversity The C4i-Communication for Integration project, co-funded by the Council of Europe and the European Commission, aims to create social networks in order to address negative but widespread, misconceptions (rumours, prejudices and stereotypes) about persons from diverse backgrounds and to provide evidence-based information to counteract such misconceptions. Active participation from citizens as “anti-rumor agents” is a key feature of C4i.
C4i draws upon the experience of Barcelona’s Anti-rumour Strategy, which has been implemented in the city since 2010. The importance of rumours there became apparent when members of the public were asked a series of questions, under the framework of drawing up Barcelona’s Intercultural Plan, to gather information on the main "problems" associated with migration. One of these went as follows: “What factors make it difficult for Barcelona's residents from diverse cultural backgrounds to live together?” Some 48.1% of over 1,000 respondents said that the main factors that made it difficult for people to live alongside one other in a diverse society were: “lack of knowledge of the other, as well as current rumours, stereotypes and prejudices about the other unknown person.”
The C4i project is presently implemented in 11 European cities: Amadora/Portugal, Barcelona/Spain, Bilbao/Spain, Botkyrka/Sweden, Erlangen /Germany, Limerick/Ireland, Loures/Portugal, Lublin/Poland, Nuremberg/Germany, Patras/Greece and Sabadell/Spain. The cities work in cooperation with local authorities, NGOs, foreign communities, academia, media and citizens, with a view to identifying and addressing common misconceptions about immigration – via campaigning and viral communication techniques – and promoting living together in diversity and social cohesion. In addition, the impact survey, carried out before and after the anti-rumour campaigns in each and every partner city, will measure their effectiveness in dispelling the rumours among the population.
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Show Me Your Lublin is a project in which Homo Faber Association encouraged newcomers and inhabitants of Lublin coming from different countries to share their stories and speak about Lublin: the place they chose to live in. After months of workshops and meetings with project participants we created a city walk, conducted five interviews and recorded a film. Today we publish the film on-line for the first time. Enjoy! English or Polish subtitles are available in the settings tab. Homo Faber wants to thank to all participants – the project would not be possible without your presence and commitment!
Communication for Integration
:: Loures Município :: Campanha Discriminação é Falta de Educação
The European Anti-poverty Network - Portuguese section, launched a campaign designed to demystify rumors about the gipsy / Roma Community. The Loures municipality joined the campaign, sharing the images that demystify rumors about this community.
Município da Amadora
Lublin 4 All Lublin dla wszystkich Люблін для всіх
In the winter of 2015, a group of high school students from Lublin, Poland, took on a task to make a video about foreigners in Miasto Lublin. This is the result of "Lublin Rumours-Eaters" Media Workshops within the "Communication for Integration" (C4i) project.
Photos from Communication for Integration's post
Projeto Arrival Cities A segunda reunião do grupo diretor teve lugar a 17 e 18 de fevereiro, em Riga, na Letónia. Representantes de dez parceiros do projeto juntaram-se para discutir o projeto "Arrival Cities" e para refletir sobre o que já foi feito no âmbito deste projeto. No encontro, abordaram-se ainda outras questões, como temas comuns a serem abordados ao longo da segunda fase do projeto. O encontro proporcionou um intercâmbio de informações entre os parceiros e permitiu estabelecer parcerias fortes para o maior êxito da implementação do projeto.