Tanzbar | Tango Argentino | Bärbel Rücker Privattimer [private classes] | Drop-in Tango [open tango class] | Solotræning (Kvinde-)Teknik | Weekend-Workshops | Begynderintro || all levels
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DJ Bärbel Rücker | Tanzbar
My first DJ set for charity: Tango Cotswold & Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity.
🎂 Birthday celebration week 🎉 TWO Milongas for you this weekend 🎁 3-for-2 offer
If you are living in the UK near the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, you should have a look at the newsletter: 🎂 Birthday celebration week 🎉 TWO Milongas for you this weekend 🎁 3-for-2 offer -
Classes |
Argentine Tango with tango teacher & DJ Bärbel Rücker | Tanzbar ✮ Monday, 21st November ✮ Monday Evening Tango Class with Bärbel [21th Nov] ( ✮ Wednesday, 23rd November ✮ Argentine Tango Lessons [5/7] & Practica (Wednesday) in Lydney ✮ Friday, 25th November ✮ Tango beyond figures [8] Argentine Tango Workshop Series FRIDAYs in Bream More information about the classes: Last MILONGAS in 2016 ✮ Saturday, 26th November ✮ The Magic Roundabout presents The DOUBLE BILL MILONGAS ✮ DJ Bärbel Rücker | Tanzbar & DJ Paul Strudwick ✮ Sunday, 27th November ✮ The Sunday Service Milonga ✮ 27th November 2016 More information about the milongas: &
Die Maestros des Tango Argentino I: Vier spannende Portraits und ein Interview: Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne, Mariano 'Chicho' Frumboli, Rodrigo ... Sebastian Jimenez & Maria Ines Bogado
Auf der Suche nach einem Weihnachtsgeschenk? Wie wär's denn mit diesem Buch: Die Maestros des Tango Argentino I: Vier spannende Portraits und ein Interview - Taschenbuch – 28. Juli 2016 von Susanne Mühlhaus Hier kann man sich ein Bild über die großen Maestros machen: Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne, Mariano 'Chicho' Frumboli, Rodrigo 'Joe' Corbata, Lucila Cionci, Carlos Espinoza & Noelia Hurtado, Maria Ines Bogado Sebastian Jimenez – Ihr Werdegang, ihr Unterricht, ihre Unterrichtsphilosophie, was sie über den Tango denken u.v.m. Bestellbar bei Amazon über diesen Link HIER: Leseproben auf unter „Publikationen“.
Classes |
Argentine Tango classes with Bärbel - THIS week 2016 ✮ Monday, 14th November ✮ Monday Evening Tango Class with Bärbel [14th Nov] in Hereford ✮ Wednesday, 16th November ✮ Argentine Tango Lessons [4/7] & Practica (Wednesday) in Lydney More information about the classes:
Noelia Hurtado y Sebastián Arce en Milonga El Abrazo (2/5)
Milonga is ON tonight: Milonga (!) beyond figures [7] Argentine Tango Workshop Series FRIDAYs in Bream. How it could look like....
Argentine Tango Lessons [3/7] & Practica (Wednesday) in Lydney
Getting ready to introduce more people to Argentine tango tonight in Lydney.
Milonga (!) beyond figures [7] Argentine Tango Workshop Series FRIDAYs in Bream
Come and join us in the Bream this Friday 11th November: Tango beyond figures - Argentine Tango Workshop Series FRIDAYs. It's closer than you think. ;-) We will work on MILONGA. How to make it a joyful and relaxed experience. Check out the video in the event. The classes will be open for everyone, dancing for few hours or many years. You don't need to bring a partner! INFORMATION & BOOKING Book in advance to guarantee a place. For bookings or questions please email
Tanzbar | Tango Argentino
Argentine Tango Classes in Lydney starting again on 2nd November '17! The beginner lesson starts at 7.30pm. Drop in and learn the basics of Argentine Tango * in a friendly relaxed environment * in small class groups * with a professional tango teacher * no partner necessary * no previous dance experience required * all ages welcome! VENUE: 3 hill street & watney hall, Lydney. More information:
tanzbar v/Bärbel Rücker's cover photo
Argentine Tango Lessons with Bärbel Rücker | Tanzbar Wednesdays in Lydney @ Watney Hall | 2016 Season October-December 2016 WEDNESDAYS at Watney Hall at 3 Hill Street, Lydney starts: 26th October 2016 Class dates: 26 October 2016, 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 November 2016, 7 December 2016 Venue Watney Hall at 3 Hill Street, Lydney, Gloucestershire, GL15 5HW Argentine Tango Classes Every 2 month (almost!) a new season starts (4-7 week course). These are always available as a full course (recommended) or as drop-in classes (if you prefer a more flexible approach). The first tango lesson (Tango 1) will be addressed to beginners and focussed on basic elements of social tango, embracing your partner, and walking with the music. These lessons are also valuable if you have been dancing a while and would like to refresh your fundamental techniques. Those who can already dance, please encourage a friend to take their first steps. The second tango lesson (Tango 2) will build on the fundamental principles explored in the first lesson and develop these into more complex movements. We will have some fun with vals & milonga too. It is recommended for a beginner to have attended eight Tango 1 lessons before moving on to Tango 2 lesson. Between and after the lessons there will be some time of free dance and practising (practica). Tango teacher Teacher Bärbel Rücker has danced tango for 17 years and taught it for 15. Her approach is clear and direct. Check out what other people think about her teaching: Contact & Booking Book in advance to guarantee a place. For bookings or questions please email Bärbel Rücker | Tanzbar or call/SMS 0747 612701. More information on &
Neulich im simplify your life Newsletter: Tanzen Sie Spannungen weg Musik und Tanz sind die ältesten Mittel zum Abbauen von Verspannungen, Aggressionen und Verhärtungen in Körper und Seele. Simplify-Tipp: In Ihnen steckt ein Lebenskünstler, der Sie ermuntert zu Ausgelassenheit und ungewöhnlichen Aktionen für Ihr persönliches Wohlbefinden. Seien Sie wenigstens einmal pro Tag herrlich kindlich ausgelassen: eine kurze Runde mit dem Fahrrad; Baden im See; unter dem Sternenhimmel sitzen usw.