SICATECH has since it was founded in 1986, specialized in complete solutions for pad printing and corona treatment applications + tooling and Automations.
Sicatech is known for its quick turnaround and ability to deliver and support the best products on the market. Our many years of experience have taught us that it is important to go all the way for all of our customers.
We´ve devoted ourselves to ongoing research and development to stay ahead of the changing needs of our customer.
SICATECH offers a wide variety of specialized products to decorate a broad range of consumer and industrial products. Among these products are complete lines of pad printing machines, corona equipment as well as accessories. We use state of the art equipment in our production.
Among our customers we a proud to supply DANFOSS, Bang & Olufsen, Novo Nordisk, SONY and several major mobile phone companies with our products and services.
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facebook.comSicatech ønsker Glædelig jul og godt nytår 🌲🎶🎁
Hvem vil med over og heppe på vores Danmarks serie hold - vi kører fra SICATECH kl. 12 - meld til hvis du vil følges med os :)
Go' tur til Radu 🚴♀️🎶
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Langhøj skolen løber Kilen Rundt med 157 løbere - flot :)
Alle fra SICATECH A/S ønsker jer og jeres nærmeste en glædelig jul og et godt nytår. Vi takker alle vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere for et godt samarbejde i året der gik, som vi ser frem til at fortsætte i 2017.