Welcome to Guldagergaard - International Ceramic Research Center. Artists from all over the world come here to work and develop the ceramic arts.
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facebook.comAIR at Guldagergaard. Become part of an international work environment that stimulates innovation, originality, and the desire to experiment. Apply for our open spots in 2018: 29 May - 29 June 2018 or 16 July - 16 August 2018
AIR at Guldagergaard. Become part of an international work environment that stimulates innovation, originality, and the desire to experiment. Apply for our open spots in 2018: 29 May - 29 June 2018 or 16 July - 16 August 2018
KICKSTART YOUR CERAMIC CAREER Participate in Guldagergaard's Wood-fire young-artist-in-residence symposium: 20th August – 24th September 2018 / 5 weeks. Participating in Guldagergaard’s Wood-fire YAIR symposium you will get a chance to create a network and a dialogue within the same generation of emerging artists in ceramic arts as yourself. The symposium provides recent graduates with an invaluable international network as they develop their career as professional artists. Apply now, we only have a few spots left.
Guldagergaard invites past resident artists, past Project Networkers and representatives of collaborating institutions to join us for a casual gathering on wednesday March 14th between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Arnolds Tea in Pittsburgh hosted by Mette Blum Marcher, Director and Priscilla Mouritzen, Vice-Chairman International Ceramic Research Center - Guldagergaard. Tea, coffee, wine and light snacks will be served. ARNOLD'S TEA 502 E Ohio Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412 )322-2494
Apply now for Communal Wood-firing, 1 - 10 May 2018 at Guldagergaard. Guldagergaard presents and invites you to a small series of communal firings celebrating the tradition and beauty of Wood Firing with two of our most popular kilns The Bourry Box and Soda Kiln.
Few spots left - apply now Intensive Plaster Workshop: 5 - 8 March 2018. Intensive Plaster Residency Package: 12 March – 8 April 2018.
Few spots left - apply now: 3D PRINTING AND DESIGN WORKSHOP 19 March – 21 March 2018 (Residency Package: 19 March – 15 April 2018)
Here is a small taste of what you can come and see on Saturday. Exhibition with Project Network 10 February - 11:00 am at Guldagergaard.
These young and very talented ceramists from USA, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Australia and Northern Ireland have been working hard the last 6 weeks to finish their ceramic projects. Come and see their stunning work this Saturday. All artists will be present and give a short artist talk about their work. Exhibition with Project Network 10 February - 11:00 am at Guldagergaard. Danish: Disse unge og meget talentfuld keramikere fra bl.a. USA, Østrig, Finland, Frankrig, Tyskland, Nordirland og Australien har de sidste 6 uger arbejdet intensivt for at færdiggøre deres projekter. Kom og hør de spirende kunstnere fortælle om deres keramiske arbejde, deres baggrund og ikke mindst selve udstillingen på Guldagergaard i Galleri Æblehuset. Lørdag d. 10. februar 2018 Kl. 11 i Galleri Æblehuset.
EXHIBITION INVITATION 10 February at 11:00 am at Guldagergaard. Young and very talented ceramists from USA, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Australia and Northern Ireland have been working hard the last 6 weeks to finish each their ceramic projects. All artists will present their superb and stunning work this Saturday. The Project Network program is a unique opportunity for young international ceramists to kick-start their career. The project is an initiative that was invented by Guldagergaard almost 20 years ago. The most skilled and newly educated ceramists, with recommendations from each of their universities, arrive from all over the world and live at Guldagergaard. During 6 intensive weeks, the young artists work under pressure to meet the deadline.
Der bliver arbejdet på livet løs i Guldagergaards værksteder. Et nyt hold Projekt Netværk deltagere ankom i starten af januar, som lige siden har knoklet med hver deres projekt. Projekt Netværk er Guldagergaards egen opfindelse for unge nyuddannede kunstnere. Deltagerne anbefales af deres uddannelsesinstitution, og er de dygtigste og mest talentfulde keramikere, der er blevet udvalgt. Symposiet løber over 6 uger og samler denne gang talenter fra bl.a. USA, Østrig, Finland, Frankrig, Tyskland, Nordirland og Australien, som hver især arbejder med deres eget keramiske projekt frem mod udstillingen. Projekt Netværk er det springbræt til den virkelige verden, som universiteterne ikke tilbyder dem. Det er en introduktion til livet som kunstner, hvor ingen holder dem i hånden. Deltagerne skal ikke bare komme og gøre det, de altid har gjort; de skal udfordre sig selv og hinanden. De arbejder under tidspres, og det gør dem vildere og mere udfordrende i deres udtryk. Kom og hør de spirende kunstnere fortælle om deres keramiske arbejde, deres baggrund og ikke mindst selve udstillingen. Lørdag d. 10. februar 2018 Kl. 11 - Artist talk & brunch Tilmeldning på mail:

What a great experience at #guldagergaard I was so lucky to spend the last six weeks creating this piece. Its pictured hanging in #applehousegallery approx. 5ft x 4ft x 10in it's made of stained porcelain and watercolor on paper.

porcelain and paper confetti @xoxo_risa_girl #guldagergaard #projectnetwork #ceramicsresidency #materiality #perception #porcelian #installationart #sculpture #visualsoflife

My work from project network 2017

Detail shot of a piece I made and stitched together for the #guldagergaard #projectnetwork exhibition. #ceramics #porcelain #denmark #create #makersgonnamake

Handmade 3D printed ceramics by @m_ruiters #projectnetwork #guldagergaard #ceramics #3dprintingceramics #handmadeceramics #extrudedclay

getting up close and personal #guldagergaard #projectnetwork #eatingdesign #fooddesign #ediblearrangements #ceramictableware #tableware #charcuterie #objectsofdesire #visualsoflife #everydayobjects #eating #antipasti #cheeseboard

A few more pieces produced at the lovely #guldagergaard! I'm going to miss this place ❤ #ceramic #ceramics #makersgonnamake #create #denmark

#2017 ProjectNetwork

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity of participating in the #guldagergaard Project Network exhibition. What a joy to have been able to work along side such incredible individuals! #ceramic #denmark #create #makersgonnamake #pattern #repetition

#akiotakamori - heads on the Apple House Gallery at #guldagergaard #guldagergård - RIP Akio..

Roof tiles in Skaelskor. #denmark #lichen #tilework #projectnetwork #texture

last snapshot ... Some had already crept away. Farewell and thank you Guldagergaard. We fought, we laughed and we knitted. You were delicious. Love from Project Network 2016 #skaelskor #guldagergaard #projectnetwork #togetherness #familydinner #ceramics #makers #contemporaryceramics
