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Eastern Artbuyer

Søndre boulevard 142F, Odense, Denmark
Art Gallery



Eastern Artbuyer er et online galleri, der fokuserer på asiatisk samtidskunst, med et specielt fokus på Kina.

Online Gallery specializing in Asian art  Eastern Artbuyer er navnet på et online galleri med løbende fysiske popup-udstillinger og foredragsarrangementer. Galleriet specialiserer sig i asiatisk kunst og kinesisk kunst i særdeleshed.

Alle kunstnere som vi repræsenterer har vi mødt personligt på vores rejser til Asien og her på vores facebook side kommer vi ofte til at vise billeder fra vores besøg i deres atelier.

Ved at like denne side har man således muligheden for at komme helt tæt på en pulserende kunstscene som de fleste ikke kender så godt.  Man får også information om hvor og hvornår vores næste udstillinger og arrangementer afholdes.

Vi håber at i kan få et udbytte af vores side!

I er altid velkomne til at kontakte os på mail, tlf eller over facebook og vi lover et hurtigt svar.

Eastern Artbuyer is the name of an online gallery and artdealership run by Christian Shepherd Guldsø

Christian has a masters degree in aesthetics and philosophy and has worked in the art business for more than 7 years.  He has experience from both public museums and private galleries. He has long been fascinated by the Asian art scene and has a very “hands on” approach to both curating and artdealing. Christian maintains personal relations with all the artists shown on these pages(and many more) and visits them regularly ensuring the best quality works at the best prices imaginable.

Here at Eastern Artbuyer we pride ourselves at the perfect pairing of artwork and buyer whether it is a gallery or a private collector we work to ensure that the customers get exactly what they are looking for and not just what we have in stock. Therefore we have a very limited stock but represent very many artists of diverse styles so as we can satisfy even the most discerning of customers.

You can connect with Christian via facebook or Wechat or go old school and call or send a mail.

Hope to hear from you soon



NEAR Eastern Artbuyer

Odense, Denmark
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