Mam Catering Kinesisk takeaway
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facebook.comSichuan styled braised pork with preserved vegetables. The meat is as thin as paper! We don't sell it unfortunately.
Spicy Sichuan style boiled fish! Hot! We don't sell it unfortunately!
This is a popular BBQ restaurant in my hometown. The skewers are being cooked hands free! Your hands are liberated from the burden of turning! All you do is to place the skewers on the fire and pick up them a short while to enjoy! Can we find similar restaurants in Denmark? )
We don't use MSG in our dishes and we cook foods a bit slowly.
kære kunder, er vi lukket fra den 18. januar til 16. i februar på grund af rebuiling. med venlig hilsen. Mam Catering.
lige blevet færdig med madlavning denne parabol? kan du fortælle, hvilke fødevarer ingredienser har det indeni? :)
Since this year, we have released a few new foods. Mam steget noodle is one of them and become a popular dish now. What we use in the recipe include Chinese BBQ pork we cooked, shrimps, egg and vegetables. We try using more organic vegetables.
Votes køkken er åben og gennemsigtig. Du kan stå og se os madlavning! stegt noodle de luxe!
KinesiSk dumplings, the heart of Kinesisk mad