Gali - Yoga & Pilates
Ny hold - skriv din ønske og meld dig til...
Tips & tricks til flotte bikini-krop. Info om Pilates & yoga hold. Pilates
Dynamisk trænings form inspireret af Yoga - hvor man bruger kroplås, vejrtrækning og fokus under øvelserne.
Pilates er primært for at stramme op core-muskulatur:
Bækkenbund + maven + ryg + diafragma (vejtræknings muskel)
og dermed forbygge rygproblemer, incontinence, diskusprolaps...
Med Pilates får du
+ flot graciøs holdning
+ flad mave
+ markant talje
+ tonet op din krop til lange flotte muskler
+ sexet bikiniklar krop
Jeg underviser Hatha yoga med elementer fra Vinyasa.
Jeg underviser i freestyle og varierede - jeg går efter stemning og niveau - og alle timer er forskellige fra hinanden.
Mit højeste mål er, at give dig dejlige oplevelser til en sund & flot krop.
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Sit back and enjoy this amazing flow... 💝
85-årige Anna havde flere år levet pukkelrygget - så begyndte hun til yoga
Wow.... jeg siger Woooooooow....
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Food on my hair - for shiny healthy soft hair Egg + yoghurt + honey + olive oil = mix -> put -> stay -> wash Lovin' it...💝
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Freckles... I always wanted #freckles... Home made face scrub - for shiny healthy young skin Coffee + lime + olive oil = scrub -> stay -> wash Benefits: * Coffee: Caffeine constricts the blood vessels under the skin and help reduce swelling and depuff eyes. Exfoliate the skin - will remove dead skin cells and leave you with smoother skin. Caffeine is also loaded with antioxidants, which help to fight premature skin aging like wrinkles, sun spots, and fine lines. * Lime: Citric acid brightning dark spots, removing dead cells and gives a glowing look. Lime helps rejuvenate your skin and protects it from infections, thanks to its antioxidant, disinfectant and antibiotic properties. The presence of a large amount of Vitamin C and flavonoids in lime juice will feed and glow your skin. * Olive oil: rich in vitamins, minerals and natural fatty acids. Rich in antioxidants, prevents skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, it also nourishes, rejuvenates and protects the skin. Rich in vitamin E and A, olive oil helps prolong youth, hydrates the skin, maintains its elasticity and softness.
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The 7th way - the amazing Coconut Oil... Cintronella oil for keeping the mosiquitos away - a couple of drops on a piece of paper, placed beside the bed...
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Pie & Lattes... 😂😂
10 Reasons Yoga Is Bad For You
10 reasons - Why you should NOT do Yoga... 💝💟
Yoga meets Pilates - Workshop for Alle
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Av... ondt i ryggen... Her er nogle yoga stillinger til din ryg.... Du får stærk og smidig ryg - forbyg mod smerter & skader... Dyrk din yoga jævnligt... 💙💚💛💜
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Gali - Yoga & Pilates
Photos from Gali - Yoga & Pilates's post
First time workshop on facial treatment with home remedies... Food for the face.... Peeling, nurishing, deep cleasing masks... Mix your own oil serum for glowing healthy skin... Pure wellness... 💟