Mintebi is a global knowledge-sharing platform where professional experience becomes market intelligence. Join us at Mintebi is a global knowledge sharing platform where professional experience become market intelligence. We package people driven strategic information as tradeable products that form business cases and create value.
*For industry experts*
Here at Mintebi we believe hands-on experience and know-how are the most important criteria for adding value to the community. The nurse, who knows all about the efficacy of wound treatment products, is an expert, just as the chemistry professor who knows everything about bio fuels is.
Clients are leading corporate strategists, investors, financial advisors and many more from visionary business around the world – they all put great commercial value to your insight, and we urge you to share it. As an expert it is completely free, and you will be working directly with clients in our community. You will also retain full control of who you engage with and when.
Deliver your message using our free templates, which frees you from worrying about format and presentation, and we will even take care of the billing. Let us match your area of expertise with the decision makers who need it, and seize the opportunity to influence important strategic decisions. Leverage on your insight, and receive your payment - the decision is yours.
The platform will open to requests by May this year, but by signing up at you are ensured a front row seat right from the beginning. Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook as we prepare for launch, and we will make sure to keep you posted.
*For clients*
Once the platform opens for requests in May this year, you can create your personal profile and immediately start sourcing first-hand insight directly from industry experts across multiple sectors and sub-sectors.
Use our simple and fast request process to submit your request, and you will instantly start receiving pitches from dedicated industry insiders from all over the world - you decide what research product you need, when you need it and how much you want to pay for it.
Whether you need input for a industry-level SWOT-analysis, or a mapping of M&A opportunities, we make sure to package the information in an easily digestible and easily actionable format – this is truly market intelligence on demand.
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