Top Local Places

What we like

Slatinska, Prague, Czech Republic



Komunita Foodies pro Foodies. Máme rádi produkty, které byly vyrobeny šetrně k přírodě a bez zbytečných marketingových příplatků. Takové jsou naše příběhy. The concept of "What we like" is very simple:

- We like to travel
- We like food
- Here is what we found
- This is what you do with it

We would like to share experiences with you here as well as provide you with the things that we found. We are inviting you to share with us "What you like" on this platform and hope to inspire you to try new things with us.

You will find inspiration on the following topics here:
- destinations (accommodation, restaurants,...)
- wines (not main stream)
- food specialities (from spices over ingredients to half products)
- recipes

We will try to moderate your input and ideas as good as we can to make the information as easily available as possible to you.


What We Like Cooking Experiences

Healthier Eating 2016 - Let us help you to fulfil your new year's resolution


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