It's all about creating and designing custom made 3d cakes, cupcakes, cookies and cake pops for any occasion.For info,orders and prices please contact us.
Coffees Collection gives you the opportunity to choose the Espresso Brand that you love! FREE OF CHARGE DELIVERY
Iceline Cyprus ltd is a Cypriot company, with a leading presence in the food industry that specializes in the promotion of frozen food products to the catering sector and on a retail basis.
Εξατομικευμένα παραμύθια, ένα προσωπικό δώρο για κάθε παιδί
Εργαστήρι ζαχαροπλαστικής . Φτιάχνουμε την δική σας τούρτα με οποίο θέμα και γεύση σας αρέσει ...
We have a wide selection of melodic and exotic birds and parrots which we breed in Cyprus on our farm. ..
Little nice bar next to the pool and fitness studio. Healthy food and healthy drinks. Children's menu and fitness menu
Thelete na ksexwrizete? Thelete na makigiaristeite ? Thelete kati dIaforetiko apo ta kathimerina sas makigiaz? Apla steilte msg sto invox tis selidas.
Το Νηπιαγωγείο Παιδικά Πατουσάκια έχει ανοίξει τις πόρτες του στην Λακατάμια! Οι Εγγραφές Άρχισαν! Σας περιμένουμε !!!
Ινστιτούτο Αισθητικής και Νυχιών Λακατάμια
SDH : Marksist, Leninist ve Troçkist Bir Eksende Şekillenip Mücadele Eden Enternasyonalist Sosyalist Örgüttür.