Kao i ostatak Laube, Bistro je prostor za igru. Igru okusa. Igru druženja za stolom. / Like the rest of Lauba, Bistro is a place to play - with flavors.
Bistro Lauba je jedinstven prostor. To je spoj umjetnosti i hrane. Menu je dobro promišljen i mijenjamo ga svaka tri mjeseca, prema godišnjim dobima. Namirnice nabavljamo isključivo na tržnici i od provjerenih malih proizvođača, jer nam je bitno da je hrana koju nudimo s imenom i prezimenom.
Jelo s potpisom Bistroa Lauba je definitivo KRUH, koji je početak i kraj svega.. Mirisan, izravno iz pećnice, pravi je mamac za okupljanje i zadržavanje oko stola. Univerzalan je prilog svakom jelu, a kombinacijom mekane unutrašnjosti i hrskave korice apsolutni je osvajač naših nepca. Kruh je jedan od rijetkih proizvoda dobiven iz prirode koji ima auru svetosti i kojeg nemamo srca baciti, pa možemo reći da se bez svih namirnica može, ali bez kruha se ne može.
Kada sjednete u bistro primijetit ćete da je interijer vrlo nenametljiv, ali ako malo bolje pogledate oko sebe postat ćete svjesni da sjedite unutar fenomenalno osmišljene priče koju potpisuje Morana Vlahović.
Prostor je moguće iznajmiti za posebne prigode.
Taste the blend of bread with chili and walnuts, steak with beetroot and orange with carrots. Choose a glass of wine from our interesting wine list. Discover what “gnjudi” are or why the potato from region Lika is different from others.
Signature dish of Bistro Lauba is definitely BREAD, which is the beginning and end of everything. Directly from the oven, bread is a real lure for gathering and maintaining around the table. It is a universal side dish and the combination of the soft interior and crunchy crust is the absolute winner of our palates. Bread is one of the few products derived from nature, which has an aura of holiness and which we do not have the heart to throw, so we can say that we can live without any food, but without the bread we cannot.
Bistro Lauba is a unique space. It is a blend of art and food. Menu is well thought-out and changed every three months, according to seasons. Groceries are purchased only at farmers’ market and from trusted small producers, because it is important that we know the origin of the food we offer.
When you sit in the bistro you will notice that the interior is very unobtrusive, but if you look closely around, you will become aware that you sit inside the fabulously designed story signed by Morana Vlahovic.
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facebook.comCraft My Day
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Have you tried our bread dough shells will lamb, chickpeas, lentils and mushrooms? If the answer is no, you definitely should! Variations of this meal have been on our menu since the begining as customers love it so much. #bistrolauba #lauba #food #zagreb #contemporaryart #gallery
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Bistro danas radi do 22:00. Vidimo se!
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Just an ordinary day. We have great food, great drinks, amazing coffee and of course, free WIFI. So if you're hungry but also need to send some e-mails... #bistrolauba #lauba #food #coffee #contemporaryart
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Bistro Lauba, Christmas edition! #bistrolauba #lauba #food #coffee #zagreb #contemporaryart #blackhouse
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Dragi članovi, suradnici, prijatelji i posjetitelji, Bistro Lauba vam od srca želi čestit Božić i uspješnu novu godinu! Dear members, colleagues, friends and visitors, we wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year! bistrolauba #lauba #contemporaryart #food #zagreb #merrychristmas #happynewyear
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Our interpretation of tradicional German Spätzle. A bit of trivia, spätzle is a German for "little sparrow", which is what the shape of these tiny noodles or dumplings resemble. #bistrolauba #lauba #food #zagreb #contemporaryart #spaetzle
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Liquid gold. It's getting colder by the day! Keep yourself warm with Poli Grappa! #bistrolauba #lauba #bistro #food #zagreb #events #contemporaryart #poligrappa
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Food and art lovers! Visit our Bistro! If you're looking for a calm environment to have a business meeting over food and a glass of wine, or a place for a celebration, give us a call! Book your table! #bistrolauba #lauba #food #zagreb #placetoeatinzagreb #event #meeting #contemporaryart
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Cozy little bistro lounge. #bistrolauba #lauba #zagreb #food #coffee #contemporaryart #blackhouse
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Main courses from our menu! We know it's in Croatian... but honestly you can't go wrong with anything. #bistrolauba #lauba #food #zagreb #contemporaryart
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As the holiday season is approaching... Poinsettia flower. #bistrolauba #lauba #holidayseason #christmastree