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Natali Juric

Ivanicgradska 42, Zagreb, Croatia
Real Estate Agent



Welcome to Natali Juric's official page!
Real Estate Agent at
Zagreb, Croatia


Very attractive Plot of Land for Sale, over 11,300 m2, located directly on the Coastline, Racisce Bay, Island of Korcula, Croatia. Vrlo atraktivno zemljište na prodaju, preko 11,300 m2, smješteno na samoj obali, Račišće, Otok Korčula, Hrvatska. #REMAX

Very attractive Plot of Land for Sale, over 11,300 m2, located directly on the Coastline, Racisce Bay, Island of Korcula, Croatia.
Vrlo atraktivno zemljište na prodaju, preko 11,300 m2, smješteno na samoj obali, Račišće, Otok Korčula, Hrvatska.

Natali Juric's cover photo

Natali Juric's cover photo

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The City of Zagreb; sunshine after the rain. ☀️☔️

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"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining." ✨💎🛳🛥☀️🌊#AdriaticSea #IslandOfVis #Croatia #Lighthouse #Nature #SunnyDay #RealEstate

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Nima Splita do Splita, kaže pjesma, a ovaj pogled govori za sebe. Entrance to the Port of Split, with ACI Marina on the left side. Check out this view! #Split #Dalmatia #Croatia #View

Nima Splita do Splita, kaže pjesma, a ovaj pogled govori za sebe.
Entrance to the Port of Split, with ACI Marina on the left side. Check out this view!                                                                 #Split #Dalmatia #Croatia #View

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Iznajmljujete, prodajete ili kupujete nekretninu? Renting, selling or buying a property? 😊

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CREATE YOUR UPSCALE HOLIDAY RESORT! The Dalmatian Coast, one of the hottest up and coming destinations in Europe! Beautiful Land for sale in Račišće Bay, Island of Korčula. ON THE COASTLINE, 10 meters distance from the Sea. Size of the property is 11,300 m2, plenty of space for a Dream Resort! Sagradite lijepi hotelski kompleks do mora na otoku Korčuli u Račišću, mirnom mjestu za savršen odmor! Mjesta ima sasvim dovoljno na zemljištu od 11,300 m2 koje je na prodaju. #RacisceBay #Račišće #OtokKorčula #IslandOfKorčula #Hrvatska #Croatia #Dalmatia #Dalmacija #LandForSale #ZemljišteNaProdaju #Nekretnine #RealEstate #REMAX

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When you love what you do!

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Looking to build your Perfect Holiday Resort?! #Racisce #IslandOfKorcula #OtokKorčula #Hrvatska #Croatia #RealEstate #Nekretnine #Zemljišta #LandForSale #PropertyForSale #RealEstateDeveloper #Buliders #LandForHolidayResort #LandForHotel #REMAX

Looking to build your Perfect Holiday Resort?!
#Racisce #IslandOfKorcula #OtokKorčula #Hrvatska #Croatia #RealEstate #Nekretnine #Zemljišta #LandForSale #PropertyForSale #RealEstateDeveloper #Buliders #LandForHolidayResort #LandForHotel #REMAX

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Located on the eastern side of the Račišće Bay, this property features marvelous westerly views. The property has a plot size of 11,300 square meters. The gently sloping plot is located on the seaside of Račišće Bay. There are wonderful views of the sea and of the village. The sunsets will take your breath away!😊😍🌊🌳✨✨✨ #RacisceBay #IslandOfKorcula #Račišće #OtokKorčula #Croatia #Hrvatska #RealEstate #PropertyForSale #Nekretnine #ProdajaNekretnina #REMAX

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Would you like to build The Perfect Holiday Resort here?! If so, please let me know. We have the perfect Property for you! Due to the size and characteristics of this property, we would like to especially address building contractors and property developers as well as holiday providers who may be interested in establishing a new holiday resort!✨🌊🌳 The property has a plot size of 11,300 square meters located directly on the Coastline. #DalmatianCoast #Croatia #IslandOfKorcula #Racisce #RacisceBay #PropertyForSale #LandForSale #RealEstate #REMAX

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Looking for peace, looking for relaxation? Then this is where you want to be! 😊🏡🌸🌺🌊 #Nature #Peace #BeautifulGarden #BeautifulView

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