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Gender Task Force

Savska cesta 41, Zagreb, Croatia
Nonprofit Organization



GTF - Initiative for Sustainable Growth
GTF - Inicijativa za održivi rast Gender Task Force osnovan je 1999. godine u sklopu Pakta Stabilnosti u Sarajevu, a 2001. godine GTF osniva Regionalni centar za jednakost spolova u Zagrebu, sa naglaskom na rodnu ravnopravnost i ostvarivanja suradnje  sa parlamentima, vladama, ne vladinim organizacijama, sindikatima i poduzetnicama u 13 zemalja Jugoistočne Europe. 2014. godine organizacija mijenja ime u GTF - Inicijativa za održivi rast.

The Gender Task Force (GTF) is a South East European regional initiative born out of an Appeal to the participants of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe in Sarajevo in 1999. Since 2001 GTF established its Regional Center for Gender Equality in Zagreb, with an emphasis on achieving gender equalty and cooperation with SEE parliaments, governments, non-governmental organizations, trade unions and entrepreneurs in 13 countries of South East Europe. In 2014, organization changes its name to GTF - Initiative for Sustainable Growth.


Gtf project for inmates successfully finished.

GTF traži volontere za pomoć u radu udruge na priremi europskih projekata (administrativni i uredski poslovi). Preduvjet: odlično poznavanje računala, organiziranost, komunikativnost, rad u timu. Ukoliko ste zainteresirani, molimo vas da svoj kratki životopis pošaljete na e-mail: .

GTF - Initiative for Sustainable Growth

Nastavak konferencije sa Valentinom Disoskom, predsjednice Asocijacije poslovnih zena Republike Makedonije The summit continues today with Valentina Disoska ABM, and other Women leaders.

Mary Ann Rukavina Cipetić, Director of GTF-ISG is at the "2017 Global Women Leaders Summit" which is held in Skopje, Macedonia from February 17-19th, 2017. This special summit of women leaders in economy, politics, media and diplomacy is attended by participants from more than 20 countries and hosted by the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce and Association of Business Women Macedonia. Some of the panels are: Leaders in Journalism, Diplomatic Panel, Female Public Policy Creators Driving Value and Results, The Future of Work in the Age of Digitalization and Mobility, Young Female Leaders etc. /// Direktorica GTF-IOR-a, Mary Ann Rukavina Cipetić je na "2017 Global Women Leaders Summit"-u koji se održava u Skopju od 17. do 19. veljače, 2017. Ovaj poseban samit žena lidera u gospodarstvu, politici, medijima i diplomaciji na kojem sudjeluju uzvanici iz više od 20 zemalja organizirala je Makedonska Gospodarska Komora zajedno s Udrugom poslovnih žena Makedonije. Neki od panela su: Žene lideri u novinarstvu, Diplomatski panel, Žene kao tvoriteljice javne politike, Budućnost poslovanja u eri digitalizacije i mobilnosti, Mlade žene kao vođe itd.

The launch of the 6-month project "PAZ II-Assistance to Asylum Seekers in Finding Jobs II" was held today in Zagreb. The project is funded by the Ministry of Demographics, Family, Youth and Social Politicy of the Republic of Croatia, and implemented by GTF-Initiative for Sustainable Growth in collaboration with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). A round table on "Asylum seekers in the community" was held as part of the launch which was attended by representatives of relevant institutions and non-governmental organizations. /// Danas je u prostorijama Tribina grada Zagreba na Kaptolu u Zagrebu održano lansiranje projekta "Paz II - Pomoć azilantima pri zapošljavanju II" koji je u trajanju od 6 mjeseci. Projekt financira Ministarstvo za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politiku, a provodi ga GTF-IOR u suradnji s Isusovačkom službom za izbjeglice (JRS). U sklopu lansiranja održao se i okrugli stol na temu "Azilanti u zajednici", a na događaju su sudjelovali predstavnici nadležnih institucija i nevladinih udruga.

GTF-ISG participates at the First Project Meeting as one of the partners in the EU project: "Career ROCKET:: Respect, Opportunities, Choice, Knowledge, Equality and Training". Project will enhance the capacity of teachers and educators to mainstream gender in the entire school curricula and place gender at the core of citizenship education. It will also enhance the capacity of schools to provide career guidance free of gender stereotypes. Lead partner of the project is: Gender Education, Research and Technologies (GERT) - Bulgaria. Other partners are: GTF – Initiative for Sustainable Growth (GTF-ISG) – Croatia, Gender Project for Bulgaria foundation (GPF) - Bulgaria, National Association of Human Resources Specialists (AUR) – Romania and 4 ELEMENTS - Greece. Project will last for 30 months, starting from January 2017. /// Od 19. do 20.1. u Sofiji, GTF-IOR sudjeluje na prvom sastanku EU projekta "Career ROCKET: Respect, Opportunities, Choice, Knowledge, Equality and Training" kao jedan od projektnih partnera. Cilj projekta je poboljšanje sposobnosti učitelja i nastavnika da rodnu jednakost stave u centar građanskog obrazovanja. Također će se povećati kapacitet škola da pruže profesionalno usmjerenje bez rodnih stereotipa. Vodeći partner projekta je: Gender Education, Research and Technologies (GERT) - Bugarska. Ostali partneri: GTF – Inicijativa za održivi rast (GTF-IOR) – Hrvatska, Gender Project for Bulgaria foundation (GPF) - Bugarska, National Association of Human Resources Specialists (AUR) – Rumunjska i 4 ELEMENTS - Greece. Projekt će trajati 30 mjeseci, počevši od siječnja 2017. godine.

Želimo Vam sretne Božićne i novogodišnje blagdane i uspješnu novu 2017. godinu! /// We wish you all the best for the upcoming holidays and a successful New Year! GTF ekipa i suradnici /// GTF team nad colleagues

GTF director Mary Ann Rukavina Cipetic in Skopje for the Robert Schuman Institute (Budapest) and Pavel Shatev Institute (Skopje) Regional Forum on Education Reform and the Challenge of Brain Drain.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - November 25, the international campaign "16 Days of Elimination of Violence Against Women" has started. The Regional Conference "Femicide Watch - for the prevention of femicide in the Republic of Croatia" was organized in Zagreb by Gender Equality Ombudsperson. The representative of GTF-ISG Ljiljana Barišić participated in the conference along with numerous guests from different institutions from the region. The conference addressed the gender dimension of violence and violence as a global problem, its causes and consequences. An initiative launching an observation body or system at the national level called "Femicide Watch" was presented. The initiative tracks the incidence of murders of women from gender perspective and analyzes data to detect key failures that lead to the murder of women by their husbands or former and current partners. The first panel of the conference was devoted to the situation in the region, the legal framework and statistical data related to the murder of women and domestic violence. The topic was opened by the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality Višnja Ljubičić who gave a brief section of the experiences of the institution she represents. Guests from the region spoke on the situation in other countries in the region related to femicide and gender-based violence against women. The second panel examined the current situation and defined mechanisms to prevent domestic violence and partner relationships that lead to the murder of women. The statistic data and the campaign to raise awareness about the legal framework and method of prosecuting perpetrators and victims' protection mechanisms were also brought. In the end, the Conference adopted the conclusions which should contribute to the prevention of femicide in the Republic of Croatia. /// Povodom Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama - 25. studenog, kojim počinje međunarodna kampanja 16 dana aktivizma protiv nasilja nad ženama, Pravobraniteljica za ravnopravnost spolova organizirala je u Zagrebu Regionalnu konferenciju „Femicid Watch – za prevenciju femicida u Republici Hrvatskoj“. Predstavnica GTF-IOR-a Ljiljana Barišić sudjelovala je na konferenciji uz brojne uzvanike iz različitih institucija iz regije. Na konferenciji se govorilo o rodnom aspektu nasilja i nasilju kao globalnom problemu, njegovim uzrocima i posljedicama. Predstavljena je inicijativa pokretanja promatračkog tijela ili sustava na nacionalnim razinama nazvanog „Femicid Watch“ koji bi pratili pojavnost ubojstava žena iz rodnog aspekta te analizirali podatke radi uočavanja ključnih propusta koji dovode do ubojstava žena od strane njihovih supruga ili bivših i sadašnjih partnera. Prvi panel konferencije bio je posvećen stanju u regiji, zakonodavnom okviru kao i statističkim podacima vezanim za ubojstva žena i nasilje u obitelji. Tu je temu otvorila pravobraniteljica za ravnopravnost spolova Višnja Ljubičić koja je dala kratak presjek iskustava institucije koju predstavlja. O stanju u drugim zemljama regije vezano za femicid i rodno uvjetovano nasilje nad ženama govorile su gošće iz regije. Na drugom panelu pokušalo se sagledati sadašnje stanje i definirati mehanizmi prevencije nasilja u obitelji i partnerskim vezama koja dovode do ubojstava žena. Iznjeli su se statističi podaci te o kampanji osvještavanja, o zakonodavnom okviru i načinu procesuiranja počinitelja te mehanizmima zaštite žrtava itd. Na kraju Konferencije doneseni su zaključci koji bi trebali doprinjeti prevenciji femicida u Republici Hrvatskoj.
