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IAAS Croatia

Svetošimunska cesta 25, Zagreb, Croatia
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)



IAAS is one of the largest student organizations and a leading organization that binds together all students around the world that share a similar dream. Croatian organization of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences is currently the only student organization of agronomy students with international aspect. Our headquarters is in Zagreb, based on the Faculty of Agriculture. It derives its strength from students in general Agriculture, plant and Animal production, Agricultural Economics, Food Sciences, Forestry, Landscape architecture and Environmental Sciences. IAAS World is one of the largest student organizations and a leading organization that binds together all students around the world that share a similar dream and ideals for Agricultural and the Related sciences. IAAS is a nongovernmental youth organization, independent of any International body, governmental or religious mandate and has no political affiliation. It has also endeavored to pattern with other Students’ Associations, governmental and nongovernmental organizations to strengthen its operations. IAAS is the official partner of FAO, UNESCO, UNEP, IFISO, ICA and YPARD.


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An issue that needs to be addressed and a problem that needs to be solved. #IAAS #IAAS2020 #BeAware

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IVSA Croatia

We are one... aren't we?

IVSA Croatia

IAAS Croatia's cover photo

Croatian style 💕

IAAS Croatia's cover photo

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Something to think about... Good morning #familIAAS 💕

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European Directors Meeting 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia

Past few months were all about EDM... Check it out! Go further! Go IAAS! #Excellence #IAAS2020 #IAASCroatia #EDM2016

IAAS Croatia's cover photo

We spent a great week with lovely people, full of #Diversity and #Innovation... We were all about #TeamFocus and team work but what's most important all about #familIAAS. This is #IAASCroatia supporting #IAAS2020 iniciative to the fullest! Thank you guys for coming and creating one new future with and for us all! Go further! Go IAAS!

IAAS Croatia's cover photo

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With the day when out last participants left us and went back home, we can officially close our EDM 2016! We would like to thank you all for being such a good guests, participants and the most important: friends <3 Hope to see you all somewhere soon! :)

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PUB CRAWL Alcatrazz

Enjoying the last night together... You guys were great guests and we really had fun hosting you! Also, special thanks to Alcatrazz Pub Crawl guys for organizing an awesome goodbye party! 🎉 #GoFurtherGoIAAS

PUB CRAWL Alcatrazz

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Our hardworking participants during the yesterday workshop with croatian traditional food and drinks :) We end up this nice evening with city tour through most beautiful Christmas market in Europe! :) #fritule ❤

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Trade Fair Night ~ a lot of flavours, a lot of good food and a great atmosphere. Happy New Year everyone! #GoFurtherGoIAAS

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Preparations for Trade Fair are on!

Preparations for Trade Fair are on!

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Having a great time with our #familIAAS in Croatia's capital Zagreb. ❤ IAAS Bulgaria we miss you very much 😢😘

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