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ContentLab&Factory SEE

Rebar 2, Zagreb, Croatia



ContentLab&Factory is dedicated to development and production of high value, entertaining, original, local scripted TV content.  ContentLab&Factory is offering screenwriting scholarships for writers in four SEE countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) with an application deadline on 31 August 2015.

The main aim of the scholarship is to boost the regional industry's competitiveness to an an international level by training regional screenwriters and helping them perfect their craft.

On 31 August 2015 a project will be posted on the company's website, and applicants have 24 hours to show their screenwriting skills, based on the posted guidelines, and submit it for evaluation.

Based on the submissions, the company will choose 12 winners who will have an opportunity to take part in a four-month-long mentoring program, starting in Zagreb, Croatia in October, at the end of which best of the applicants will be given the opportunity to work within the company’s writing team, writing for major regional TV stations.

Mentoring program will be based on experiences and successes of mentors who worked on different regional and international projects. Guest mentor will be John Vorhaus, American screenwriter who contributed to the success of the sitcom Married with Children.

Similar program started in Hungary in February. More than 700 potential writers applied and the best 12 are already developing two series, „The Invisible Scar“, crime drama in the manner of Sherlock Holmes, set in Austro-Hungarian Empire, and dramedy „Wannabes“, set in the world of reality and talent shows, and co-developed by the mentor John Vorhaus.

Company ContentLab&Factory started their operations in October 2014 in Budapest. Shortly  after they opened two more offices in Slovenia and Croatia, that are overseeing business operations in SEE, meaning Slovenia, Croatia, Srbija, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Rumania and Bulgaria.

ContentLab&Factory’s main market partners are TV stations, that understand the need for new writing forces in the field of fiction development.



SEE application task->
Application countries include Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Application task should be written in applicant’s native language (Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian or Bosnian) and Latin script.

Task guidelines will include a limited number of pages of written text that can be submitted and all applications that don’t follow this rule will not be accepted as valid.

All applicants must be fluent in English, written and oral, as some lectures will be in English!

Scholarship will be in the amount of an average scholarship in the region and will cover all Program costs.
ContentLab&Factroy and its scholarship do not cover accommodation and travel costs.

Mentoring program->
Duration: 4 months (starts beginning of October 2015)
City/Country: Zagreb, Croatia

Potential job->
At the end of the Mentoring program, most talented participants will be given the opportunity to work within the company’s writing team, writing for major regional TV stations.


introducing ContentLab to new markets :)

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Predstavljamo naše projekte i na ovogodišnjem NATPE-u u Budimpešti. / We are also presenting our projects at this year's NATPE in Budapest.

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Na ovogodišnjem NEM-u, uz ostale naše projekte, predstavljamo i seriju "Balkanska ruta", o trgovini ljudima u jeku sirijske izbjegličke krize. / At this year's NEM, along with our other projects, we are presenting our crime drama series "The Balkan Route", about human trafficking amidst the Syrian refugee crisis.

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I ove godine smo na NEM-u, gdje ćemo predstaviti naše nove TV-serije, između ostalog i dramsku seriju "Balkanska ruta" :)

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Predstavljanje prvih pilot-epizoda u produkciji ContentLab&Factoryja :)

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Danas je zadnji dan Mentorskog programa i ovako se radi kad je deadline :)

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Svima sve najbolje u 2016., neka vam bude inspirativna i kreativna! :) A u novu godinu kreće i ContentLab&Factory SEE. Nastavili smo s Mentorskim programom koji je započeo u listopadu 2015. i traje do kraja siječnja 2016., s fokusom na radu u pisačkim sobama. A danas je u slovenskom TV-časopisu Vklop izašao intervju s Igorom Gajičem, direktorom prodaje CLF SEE.
