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Marine and Energy Solutions DIV

Froudeova 5, Zagreb, Croatia



Marine and Energy Solution DIV LLC, company is engineering and design company and part of DIV Group leading Croatian metal processing industry group. Marine and Energy Solution DIV LLC is part of DIV group which is by far the largest group specialized in processing, manufacturing and trading machine parts and metal products in the Croatian market and one of the leaders in Europe and in the world. The group owns several sheet metal processing factories and since 2013 also Shipbuilding Industry Split Inc., one of the largest Croatian shipyards.
Growing continuously DIV GROUP has developed into one of the most efficient and competitive group in Europe with wide range of products as a complete service provider from experience and confidence needed to participate in highly demanding and evolving industries.

Our company, Marine and Energy Solution DIV LLC, and our team of professional and experienced staff is primarily responsible for design and development of various marine and energy projects for our group companies but it is also very interested to develop contacts and offer collaboration to other similar and compliant companies from marine industry. see less


... Snimka porinuća "U Brodograđevnoj industriji Split 3. lipnja 2017. porinuta je Novogradnja 540, prototip prvog obalnog ophodnog broda, ugovorenog za Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske." Finally we had the pleasure of seeing the launch of the coastal patrol ship in which design development we have been involved since the very beginning, from initial Coast guard development feasibility study, ship design requirement specification and initial design to contract and workshop documentation preparation!


Sigurna budućnost nakon studija brodogradnje - inženjeri ne ostaju na burzi niti jedan dan

Nina Antičić

Nina Antičić

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Marine and Energy Solutions DIV d.o.o. ZAPOŠLJAVA Ako ste zainteresirani ili poznajete nekoga tko bi bio, molimo proslijedite oglas! Molbu i životopis pošaljite nam na email adresu: Zapošljavamo: Projektant konstrukcije broda (m/ž) više djelatnika/ca • izrada klasifikacijske dokumentacije trupa broda koristeći software AVEVA Marine (Tribon) i/ili AutoCAD, • izrada radioničke dokumentacije trupa broda koristeći software AVEVA Marine (Tribon) i/ili AutoCAD, • stručna sprema VŠS/VSS Projektant brodske opreme (m/ž) više djelatnika/ca • izrada klasifikacijske dokumentacije brodske opreme koristeći software AVEVA Marine (Tribon) i/ili AutoCAD, • izrada radioničke dokumentacije brodske opreme koristeći software AVEVA Marine (Tribon) i/ili AutoCAD, • stručna sprema VŠS/VSS Projektant brodskih strojarskih sustava (m/ž) više djelatnika/ca • izrada klasifikacijske dokumentacije strojarskih brodskih sustava broda koristeći software AVEVA Marine (Tribon) i/ili AutoCAD, • izrada radioničke dokumentacije strojarskih brodskih sustava koristeći software AVEVA Marine (Tribon) i/ili AutoCAD, • stručna sprema VŠS/VSS Projektant brodskih elektro, navigacijskih i komunikacijskih sustava (m/ž) više djelatnika/ca • izrada klasifikacijske dokumentacije brodskih elektro, navigacijskih i komunikacijskih sustava koristeći software AutoCAD, • izrada radioničke dokumentacije brodskih elektro, navigacijskih i komunikacijskih sustava koristeći software AutoCAD, • stručna sprema VŠS/VSS, Obvezno znanje engleskog jezika.

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NAVDEX, Naval defence exibition and conference, ABU DHABI

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Photos from Marine and Energy Solutions DIV's post

NAVDEX, Naval defence exibition and conference, ABU DHABI

Photos from Marine and Energy Solutions DIV's post


U OKOLINI Marine and Energy Solutions DIV

KBF Vlaska 38

Zagreb, Croatia
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