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Web.mef je interaktivni poslužitelj na Medicinskom fakultetu. Održava ga prof. M. Taradi. Study with friends and experts anytime, anywhere, on any device. Web namijenjen studentima Medicinskog fakulteta Zagreb.
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Energy researcher sues the US National Academy of Sciences for millions of dollars http://ow.ly/ROfP30gomh5 #MefZg #Nature
CroMSIC filmska večer 26.10. u 19:30 - OKUS SKRBI
Besplatna jednodnevna radionica pod nazivom "GIMP ili kako besplatno fotošopirati slike (GIMP 2.8)", namijenjena studentima i drugim članovima akademske zajednice.
Preminuo doc. dr. sc. Krešimir Kostović
Natječaj za demonstratore na Katedri za fiziologiju i imunologiju
Sajam stipendija, 17.10.2017. u NSK
Predavanje HDML Krediti - kako i pod kojim uvjetima? HLK boduje dolazak na predavanje sa 4 boda. Kotizacije nema.
“...student-faculty contact time is the most precious resource you have in the University,” ... “we have to make the best use of that time... that time needs to be spent on things that you can’t Google.”... “Medical education is not about the transmission of information, but about the transformation of the learner. In order to achieve that, you need a transformative learning environment, and that’s what we’re trying to do both with the physical spaces, but also with the way the curriculum is structured and taught.”