Malo misto is the restaurant of a 44-year family tradition. It is located in the old town, just a few meters from the main square. The combination of the tradicional and the modern will provide you a great time on our beautiful outdoor terrace, which is an oasis of calm in the city centre. We work with local food producers and prepare food in a traditional way, grilled on charcoal. We will be happy to cook for you.
Thank you for visiting us. Bon appetit !
Malo misto je restoran sa 44 godine dugom obiteljskom tradicijom. Smješten je u starom gradu samo par metara od glavnog trga. Kombinacija tradicionalnog i modernog pružit će vam poseban ugođaj na našoj prekrasnoj otvorenoj terasi, koja je oaza mira u samom centru grada. Radimo sa lokalnim proizvođačima hrane i pripremamo hranu na tradicionalan način, a naročito se ponosimo našim jelima pripremljenim na roštilju s drvenim ugljenom. Bili bismo počašćeni ugostiti vas. Hvala na posjeti i dobar tek !
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