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ESN Zadar

Ruđera Boškovića 5, Zadar, Croatia
Nonprofit Organization



ESN Zadar is a non-profit student organization for the Erasmus students and the youth of Zadar interested in the Erasmus+ exchange programme. ESN Zadar is a non-profit student organization for the Erasmus students and the youth of Zadar interested in the Erasmus+ exchange programme.



When you spend time volunteering, you get more than you give.

U četvrtak, od 10h, pridružite nam se u ovoj inicijativi! <3 #THISisESN #SOCIALinclusionDAYS

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Less than 1% of Erasmus students are people with disabilities. 😥 We believe that disability should never be an obstacle to mobility! 💪 MappED! project aims at increasing the number of students with disabilities participating in exchanges by providing useful information. #THISisESN #SOCIALinclusionDAYS

Otvaramo prijave za studente mentore koji će od sljedećeg semestra pomoći međunarodnim studentima u integarciji. Prijavite se do 10.12.2017 💌📚

📚 Studiranje u Velikoj Britaniji više nije nedostižno jer već 6.12. u Gradsku knjižnicu Zadar dolazi predstavnik poznatog sveučilišta Coventry. Zašto se odlučiti za Coventry? Radi se o sveučilištu sa 160-godišnjom tradicijom i kvalitetom i 12. najboljem sveučilištu u Velikoj Britaniji. Sam grad Coventry svrstan je među 50 najboljih studentskih gradova. 🏆 📆 Kada? 6.12. od 15:30 - 17:00 prezentacija sveučilišta Coventry 🏫 Gdje? Gradska knjižnica Zadar; Multimedijalna dvorana Kako se prijaviti?📝 Sve što je potrebno učiniti je poslati mail na s naznakom 'Coventry prezentacija ZADAR' te u tijelu maila napisati koja razina studija te zanima i studijski program (ako već znaš u kom smjeru bi nastavio/la svoje školovanje) – u potpunosti BESPLATNO Vidimo se! 😊

During Social Inclusion Days initiative we explored how accessible Sveučilište u Zadru is for students with disabilities. #THISisESN #SOCIALinclusionDAYS

Come, help us check and map our University for adaptability! See you tomorrow at 12h! :)

We invite you this #wednesday at 20h in Students club to join us for these two amazing activities which are part of #socialinclusiondays. WHAT YA SAY? Students will be divided into 2 groups where one person will have headphones on with loud music and the other person will say a sentence and the first person will need to guess what he said. The group who manages to guess all sentences wins. SILENT DISCO Can you imagine a party without loud music and where you can take off your headphones and hear complete silence? Where you dance with someone, but not necessarily to the same song? If you can, this is the event for you :) *For this activity bring headphones and favorite music.

Ponosni smo Filip Cirkvenčić, našeg alumni člana i bivšeg studenta na Sveučilištu u Zadru!

Iz Zagreba s 11. Nacionalne platforme Erasmus Student Network Croatia vraćamo se s dvije nagrade. Najbolja Section cooperation aktivnost s ESN Osijek za konferenciju Forum mladih Zadar. Najbolja suradnja sa udrugama mladih.

Predstavljamo našu udrugu i Sveučilište u Zadru na 11. Nacionalnoj platformi Erasmus Student Network Croatia u Zagrebu. #THISisESN
