Underwater archaeology
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facebook.comAfter 7 days of Rab harbor excavation, in the bad weather and no visibility, ICUA team finally strike it lucky - trench C and D gave us plenty of late roman finds!
City of Zadar is celebrating its day, St. Krševan, on friday, November 24th! ⛪⚔️🛡️ For this occasion ICUA is opening the doors of the Gallery of Underwater Archaeology and St. Nikola Church! See you from 09:00 until 15:00! 🕘➡️🕒
Packing the finds from ICUA underwater excavations for the exhibition ✳️ IN THE SEA OF INTIMACY ✳️ which will take place in Trieste, Italy 🇮🇹 from 16 December 2017 to 1 May 2018! 🔜⏳
Continuing to work in the harmony with the nature. ICUA Zadar is cleaning seabed in the city of Pag tomorrow!
Entering the final phase of cleaning the second boat Condura Croatica in Nin... 🔜⛵
Our Max...;)
Photogrammetry course has been conducted successfully by International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar and instructors David Badovinac and Roko Surić!📷🙂
First day at Barbir, roman port south of Sukošan 🌅
A small insight into yesterday's lectures held by Marina Šimičić and Sophie Fierro-Mircovich 👩🏫👩🏫
Interesting presentations at ICUA Zadar tomorrow. Our Marina Šimičić is talking about current re conservation of the famous "Nin ships" and Sophie Fierro-Mircovich of ARC NucléART, Grenoble about their own work in conservation of wooden objects. Welcome!
Preparation work for adaptation of future ICUA presentation centre is underway, and might be finished until spring 2018.
Just a reminder! Only few more days left for application!
#svnikola #zadar #antiphonus #edinkaramazov #bozicnikoncert #perfection 🎄🎉🎀🎊🎁

#tijest #seneka #buljan #zadarsnova #svnikola #premiere #pretpremijera

Kad se kolege vrate s puta 😊😂 #colleagues #souvenirs #souvenirsfromdenmark #danishbuttercookies #nailfile

terbang tenggelam🎵 #ntrl #vscodaily #vsco #l4l #vscogram
