Zen Sun
Zen Yoga at Sustipan
yoga, meditation, travel, food, life, love
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facebook.comThich Nhat Hanh: Walk With Me
Movie about beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh
Oxytocin Changes Everything
Love is everywhere!
Zen Sun's cover photo
Instagram photo by Elephant Journal • Oct 3, 2016 at 8:13pm UTC
Ouuu yeah!
An Elementary School Has Kids Meditate Instead Of Punishing Them and the Results are Profound
Zen yoga at Sustipan
The Mindfulness of the Buddha | Tricycle
DJ Drez - Floating Sweetness
Let's try to stay in floating sweetness today..that is my mantra for today <3
The Groove Festival
WE LAUGHED {we danced, we sang, we prayed, we cried. but mostly we laughed.} Thank you Lea Loncar and Jang-Ho Kim for opportunity to join this amazing yoga festival! I feel so grateful and inspired, and I just want to practice every day and share this energy with rest of the world <3 my heart is full of joy and loving kindness :) This was real manifestation in action! :D I will try to remember this feeling and hold it in my heart so I can keep my spirit up in every situation when I am down or when I struggle with my life and my practice. Thank you for organising this beautiful event and see you in two years again in stunning Hvar. I met wonderful teachers, musicians, and I made magical friendships ..it is priceless, it is organic, it is pure, it is life itself <3 love, namaste! #thegroovefestival Hanna Witte Photography
Integral Centar
Imamo priliku cijeli život učiti,a naučiti više o sebi je od neprocjenjive važnosti. Toplo preporučam edukaciju u centru za integrativni razvoj..upravo počinje upis nove generacije!