MFAF Split
International Archaeology Film Festival in Split, Croatia. Biennial Festival organized by the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments – Split.
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facebook.comDanas u 21:51 na HTV 1 film Claustra prikazan na 4. međunarodnom festivalu arheološkog filma u Splitu. Režija: Ana Golja, Helena Traub
Rencontres d'Archéologie de la Narbonnaise
_Night of the Museums 2017, January 27th Including screening of awarded films from the program of the 4th International Archaeology Film Festival. 19:00 EXHIBITION: Protective archaeological excavations of the lazaret in Split The lazaret in Split was a port station built at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century meant for temporary storage of merchandise and as a quarantine station for isolating passengers. Archaeological excavations at the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 yielded remains of its structures presently completely overlaid by asphalt. The exhibition curated by Ante Alajbeg gives a direct insight into the rich and turbulent life of Split in the time of Ottoman-Venetian wars and destructive plague epidemics. 20:00 FILM: From the program of the 4th International Archaeology Film Festival: Az, Branko by Surname Fučić, Bernardin Modrić, Istra Film, Croatia, 2016, 40' - 1st prize (Jury and Audience Award) The documentary AZ, BRANKO PRIDIVKOM FUČIĆ is a poetic contemplative story about the most eminent researcher of the Croatian Glagolitic and fresco paintings whose activity marked the art history of these areas in the second half of the past century. In a simple yet interesting, picturesque and inspiring manner Fučić brings us closer to distant people, events and time. His research on the territory of Istria and Kvarner count among the top of scientific research in the field of art history and archaeology. The film depicts his world of mystic tales and scenes preserved on church walls, stone streets, narrow streets of Istria and its coastal towns, village cemeteries ... 21:00 EXHIBITION: Marmore lavdata Brattia The author of the exhibition about the stone quarries of Brač Island Ivo Donelli, presents a story that took place during the construction of Diocletian’s Palace. This exhibition aims at presenting in an attractive way the process of stone quarrying in Antiquity. We follow the process of production of an architectural element, from its quarrying, processing, transport, until its incorporation into a building. The exhibition consists of illustrative panels depicting phases in the work process at the quarry, the model of an ancient quarry with its fittings, copies of stone blocks, authentic stonecutting tools, copy of a capital from the Peristyle in Split, and accompanying video. The exhibition will be opened by Joško Belamarić, Ph.D., Institute for Art History "Cvito Fisković" in Split who will bring closer to the audience the significance of quarries on Brač Island. 22:00 FILM: From the program of the 4th International Archaeology Film Festival: Stolen Warriors, Wolfgang Luck, a&o buero filmproduktion, Germany, 2014, 52' - 2nd prize of the Jury How does Cambodia's most famous temple statue end up in Sotheby's auction catalogue? This film tells the story of a spectacular case of art robbery. We follow the route of an iconic warrior sculpture looted from a Khmer temple to a posh auction house in New York. An investigative journey into the murky world of the antiques trade. 23:00 FILM: A Gigantic Jigsaw Puzzle: The Epicurean Instcription of Diogenes of Oinoanda, Nazim Güveloğlu, Turkey, 2012, 32' -3rd prize of the Jury The Ancient City of Oinoanda, close to Fethiye in Southwest Anatolia, hosts presumably the largest philosophical inscription of the ancient world. The inscription, 65 to 80 meters long, had been constructed by Diogenes of Oinoanda so as to convey Epicurean philosophy to the next generations and city’s visitors. The film focuses on the efforts to pursue this aim of Diogenes. Epicurean approaches to concepts such as pleasure, happiness, friendship, dreams, and gods are discussed around the peculiarities of research history. As senior researcher Martin Ferguson Smith puts it, the content of the inscription applies surprisingly well to the problems of contemporary society. 18:00 – 01:00 EXHIBITION: Prince Branimir in the Night of Museums New analyses and research have recently brought up a well-supported assumption according to which one of the dignitaries' sarcophagus found in the ruler's mausoleum, in the Westwerk ground floor of St. Mary's Church, at Crkvine in Biskupija near Knin truly is that of prince Branimir. This sarcophagus with the remains of a deceased male and rich finds was found on March 6, 1891 testified by detailed entries of Lujo Marun in his Journals. Therefore, it has been kept by the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments for more than a century. The exhibition presents its discovery and circumstances at the end of the 19th century as well as new facts about this find. 18:00 – 01:00 EXHIBITION: Crkvine - Cista Velika Ljubomir Gudelj’s exhibition Crkvine presents the results and most important finds yielded by excavations between 1993 and 2010 at the site of Crkvine at Cista Velika in the western part of Imotska krajina. The exhibits accompanied by plans, photos and a video presentation and exhibition catalog depict the history of this site and the surrounding area from 1500 BC until the early Middle Ages.
Ne propustite - večeras u Muzej grada Splita
.: FICAB - Index :.
U subotu je počeo 16. Festival Internacional de Cine Arqueológico del Bidasoa (FICAB). U tjedan dana na festivalu će biti prikazano čak 38 filmova. Među ostalim film Nazıma Güveloğlua 'A Gigantic Jigsaw Puzzle: the Epicurean Inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda' koji je u Splitu osvojio treću nagradu i film 'Les peintures murales de Cumes: une aventure interdisciplinaire' koji je također bio uvršten u program MFAF-a 2016. -- The 16th Festival Internacional de Cine Arqueologico del Bidasoa started last Saturday. The one-week festival program is composed of as many as 38 films. Among them is Nazım Güveloğlu's film 'A Gigantic Jigsaw Puzzle: the Epicurean Inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda' awarded 3rd prize at the festival in Split and the film 'Les peintures murales de Cumes: une aventure interdisciplinaire' also in competition of the International Archaeology Film Festival in Split 2016.
MFAF Split's cover photo
Photo credits: Zoran Alajbeg
Photos from MFAF Split's post
Once again we thank the directors, audience, all sponsors, volonteers, as well as STAR SYSTEM, Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, Udruga Toma Arhiđakon - ISHA SPLIT and all those who have contributed to the organization of yet another successful International Archaeology Film Festival. See you again in 2018! Here are some photos from the second day of the Festival (photo credits: Viktorija Žuvela)
Photos from MFAF Split's post
Još jednom veliko hvala: redateljima, publici, svim sponzorima, volonterima, kao i STAR SYSTEM, Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, Udruga Toma Arhiđakon - ISHA SPLIT i svima koji su na bilo koji način pomogli ostvarenju još jednog uspješnog Međunarodnog festivala arheološkog filma Split. Vidimo se ponovno 2018! Evo i nekoliko fotografija s dodjele nagrada i zatvaranja festivala (foto: Zoran Alajbeg)
Timeline Photos
Successful closing of the 4th International Archaeology Film Festival. This year's laureates are: _Audience Award: film Az, Branko by Surname Fucic, director Bernardin Modric _Third prize: film The Gigantic Jigsaw Puzzle: The Epicurean Inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda, director Nazım Güveloğlu _Second prize: film Stolen Warriors, director Wolfgang Luck _First prize: film Az, Branko by Surname Fucic, director Bernardin Modric Congratulations to the awarded directors with many thanks to the audience and everyone who helped in the festival organization !