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Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4

Šetalište Kalafata 2, Split, Croatia



Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4* is located on the seafront above the marina Zenta. Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4* is located on the seafront above the marina Zenta, in the district Bačvice and, with sweeping views of the islands and 1,000 yachts and boats.
We have one triple bedroom, one double bedroom and one single bedroom, all with terraces and sea views.
Our triple bedroom can accept up to 5 guests, double bedroom can accept up to 4 guests, and single room up to 2 guests.
Beautiful view, relaxed atmosphere and friendly staff guarantee you an unforgettable vacation.


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To all our dear guests: Thank You, thank You thank You.... This wouldn't be possible without having a priviledge to host You. Special gratitude to @bookingcom. Svim našim gostima: Hvala Vam, hvala Vam, hvala Vam. Ovo ne bismo uspjeli napraviti da nismo imali povlasticu ugostiti Vas. Posebno smo zahvalni @bookingcom. #guestsloveus #gostinasvole #najboljeocjenegostiju #bookingdotcomthankyou

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Spend a New Yaer's Eve in the craziest city in the world on the noisiest boardwalk on the world, and then enjoy peace and quiet of our accommodation..... Dočekajte novu Godinu na najbučnijoj Rivi na svitu u najluđem gradu na svitu i nakon toga se odmorite uživajući u miru i tišini naših soba....

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Relax in the quiet marina with a view of the 1000 ships surrounded by kilometers of beaches and promenades ...... Opustite se u mirnoj lučici s pogledom na 1000 brodova okruženoj kilometrima plaža i šetnica......

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There is no money that can buy Your happiness and satisfaction. Relax on the sunny balcony with the best view in Split ........ / Ne postoje novci kojima možete kupiti sreću i zadovoljstvo. Opustite se na sunčanim balkonima s najljepšim pogledom u Splitu........ #seaviewsplit #islandsviewsplit #fallinsplit #privateterracessplit #luxuryroomssplit

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Choose Your room on a quiet location in the craziest city in the world / Odaberite svoju sobu na mirnoj lokaciji u najluđem gradu na svitu..... #adventinsplit #novemberinsplit #splitaccomodation #splitquietlocation #splitclosetothesea #splitharbor #roomsinsplit

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Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's cover photo

Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's cover photo

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#marinabayzenta ^#luxuryroomssplit #splitholidays #visitsplit #accomodationsnexttothesea

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Photos from Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's post

Enjoy the autumn time in Split, on the sunniest terraces in the rooms closest to the sea, overlooking the harbor with a thousand boats ..... #seaviewsplit #closetothesea #sunnyterracessplit #luxuryroomsinsplit #marinabayzentaluxuryrooms #splitautumnvacations #overlookingseasplit

Photos from Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's post

Photos from Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's post

Standard double bedroom

Photos from Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's post

Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's cover photo

Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4's cover photo

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Sobe / Rooms

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Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4

Slijedeći tjedan svoja vrata otvara Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4*. / Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4 * is opening next week.

Marina Bay Zenta Luxury Rooms 4
