On about 50 km from NP Plitvice, visiting this campsite can be an interesting stopover while driving to or from the Lakes towards Zagreb or Adriatic. Campsite The Springs of Mreznica is a type of Robinson camping. It offers just the basics to visitors: tents camping place, fire place, sanitary facilities, parking places. The Springs of Mreznica is not a motor camp therefore the car entry is not permitted within the campsite. We offer our visitors memorable camping experience on a beautiful little island in the oasis of peace and unspoiled nature,at the natural point of stretching of the river Mreznica. We aim to the utmost atbringing closer the nature to you and teach you how to live in the harmony with nature instead of abusing it. Orientation and survival using basics without pollution is our main goal which we consider to be the most essential point inecological awareness of nature preservation.
The very name of the campsite THE SPRINGS OF MREZNICA points to us about resourcefulness of under water currents but also above ground springs which makes that part of the river very cold as well as very clean and clear.Water temperature conditions are not suitable for bathing because it seldom rises above 15 degrees Celsius, which does not affect rafters and kayakersin neoprene clothing.
The camping is placed in the very canyon without any mobile network signal which makes it ideal sanctuary for those wanting to escape busy and stressful every day life or just wish to have a break away from the civilization.
This is ideal holiday destination for those searching for either team building in isolation or simple and quiet holiday time spent in the company of the most loved ones.
Our motto is:
Kamp Vrela Mreznice spada u skupinu robinzon kampova, što znaci da svojim posjetiteljima nudi minimalne uvijete koji su potrebni za kampiranje, a to su: mjesto za sator, loziste za vatru, sanitarni čvor te parkirno mjesto za automobil.
Svojim posjetiteljima nudimo nezaboravno isksutvo kampiranja na prekrasnom otočiću u oazi mira, na prirodnom proširenju rijeke Mrežnice.
Naš cij je maksimalno pribliziti našim posjetiteljima prirodu i educirati ih kako provesti svoje slobodno vrijeme u skladu sa prirodom. Smatramo da je to jedna od bitnijih smjernica za ekoloski osvijestenog covjeka te za očuvanje čovjekovog okoliša.
Kamp vam. idealno je utočiste za one koji bježe od uzurbane svakodnevnice koju donosi urbana sredina ili se samo zele odmoriti daleko od svih pogodnosti civilizacije. Idealno smo izletište za one koje traže izolirani team building ili jednostavan i miran izlet u drustvu najmilijih, ili aktivni odmor kroz vožnju kayacima niz rijeku.
Temperatura vode ne pogoduje kupaćima jer se rijetko kad penje iznad 15 stupnjeva, no rafterima i kayakasima koji nose neoprenska odijela savršeno odgovara.
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4 days of this ☀️💪🏻🎪💃

@riverse_festival_croatia #festival

What are you waitin' for? See ya in 3 days! #party #summer #hotdaysinjune #mrežnica #festivalcroatia #croatia

The day after the summer solstice, Thursday 22 June, marks the beginning of a four-day music adventure on the banks of the Mrežnica river just off Slunj – the first ever R/verse Festival. The aim of the festival is to offer an event that combines a multiday getaway from the urban and working environment into magical nature with some quality time in a liberating camping atmosphere under the starry night, with all the essential facilities, and music that underlines and inflames the entire experience. #modem #modemfestival #illectricity #illectricityfestival #croatia #festivalcroatia #mrežnica #june2017 #summer #party

Nothing says summer like chilling by the river with friends listening to good music. Going down to the beautiful riverside location celebrating first day of summer. #6moredays #mrežnica #june2017 #illectricity #modem #croatia

JOŠ 10 DANA! #riversefestival #mrežnica #tko #ne #kupi #kartu #rejver #photoby #dorisfatur

ONLY 10 DAYS LEFT! We are counting down the days until the beginning of first ever R/verse Festival. We are working hard to make you feel as comfortable as possible. We still do not want to reveal what we actually do, but it will be a great surprise for all of you. #riversefestival #modem #modemfestival #illectricity #illectricityfestival #festivalcroatia #june2017 #mrežnica #croatia #camping

FESTIVAL LOCATION / MAP ☼ It’s time that we show you some improvements and the beauty of the hidden places you will know in order to live unbelievable experiences in the island. We are counting down the days until the beginning of first ever R/verse Festival. #modem #modemfestival #illectricity #illectricityfestival #mrežnica #june2017 #croatia #festivalcroatia

Our main focus will be on ecology and respect for Nature. We wish to preserve the site as pure and untouched as we found it. This is why we work really hard to ensure that the Natural Surroundings remains intact: only natural soaps are allowed, all our used water gets re-cycled on site, food waste is made into compost and composting toilets will be used to implement an ecological sanitation approach. Our main goal is to take care of festival environment. #riversefestival #modem #modemfestival #modem2017 #illectricity #illectricityfestival #mrežnica #croatia #festivalcroatia #ecology #respectfornature

MORE TIME TO THINK? Some of you may be a bit hesitant so instead of buying, you wait a little, biding your time until you figure out what option is best or you're just forced to wait for the beginning of the month to get your salary. We have to confess we've cheated a bit, but still we have great news for you! The discounted price option (135kn/18e) will be up until 5th June - midnight! Don't think too much. C you :) #riversefestival #mrežnica #june2017 #croatia #festivalcroatia #modem #modem2017 #modemfestival #illectricity #illectricityfestival

Idemo u skitnju

5 DAYS LEFT! Limited number of "2nd Presale" tickets are selling faster than expected. Ticket price is valid until 1st June. Do not miss out on the opportunity to buy the festival ticket for 135kn / 18e only. The longer you wait to buy, the more expensive they will be! #riversefestival #modemfestival #momentodemento #modem2017 #illectricity #illectricityfestival #mrežnica # #festivalcroatia #seeyousoon

Kayaking & rock jumping in Croatia 🇭🇷 #NorcalSnowboarders #NCSTakesOverEasternEurope #FriendsLikeFamily

Good morning ☼ #riversefestival #june2017 #mrežnica #modem #modemfestival #illectricityfestival #june2017 #festivalcroatia

Oj mrežnička flooro lijepa li si. #fauna #floora #pored #dancefloora #staffmeeting #riversefestival #ima #mrežnice #mreže #nema
